Careful Gestures

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She turned back to the group, which had already started gossiping about Landon. It was as though they couldn't wait for him to leave so they could speculate about his personal life. Still feeling as though she were floating, Alana only heard bits and pieces of their conversation. Her thoughts were consumed with Landon, the way he danced with her, awaking all of her senses with his touch. Dancing with Landon made her attraction for him erupted like a volcano. She reached for a water bottle on the counter and began drinking it. She definitely needed to cool off. Then she caught Will saying something about Landon that stole her attention.

"He sings opera or something like that. I remember he had a couple of shows last year in the area," informed Will. Alana's eyes were thoughtful. She thought about how little she knew about Landon, and how much she desperately desired to know more.

"Yeah, that make sense," Owen interjected. "He was listening to some opera song during our one-on-one a time or two. He didn't mention that he sings it though..."

"He doesn't talk about it much; ain't nobody sitting around listening to opera..." Will was the only one roaring with laughter.

"Landon sings opera? That's totally gay," Ethan announced with one eyebrow arched. He had little respect for guys who chose fine arts over sports.

Owen's eyes widened, almost popping right out of his head. "Ethan, what is that supposed to mean?" he asked, quickly irritated.

Ethan smiled, realizing that what he said had offended him. "You know I didn't mean it like that... it's just that singing opera is lame."

"Well maybe you should just say that instead of using gay as a catch all for all things stupid. I mean, what if every time I saw something stupid I said that's jock-itch?" Owen said, clearly frustrated.

"Right on..." Shandi agreed, nodding.

Will and Carly chuckled under their breath. Owen's analogy didn't exactly make sense.

"Yeah, Owen, that... no, I don't get it," said Carly with sarcastic smirk.

Ethan's forehead crinkled. "Yep, I'd say that's... gay," he said, further aggravating Owen.

Carly and Will began laughing. Alana shook her head disapprovingly and began talking with one of her residents.

Owen's nose flared. "You know, you... you're a jock-itch and you're impossible!" he said, stomping off toward the elevator.

Laughing, Ethan ran up behind Owen. "Dude, I'm just playing, you know you're like a brother to me." Owen gave Ethan a dark, sarcastic look. "A very distant brother... maybe stepbrother," Ethan encouraged.

"Whatever Ethan, you need to be very careful with what you say. What if one of our residents was gay? They'd be offended, and rightfully so, then they'd tell Landon. You'd be fired for actions unbecoming of an RA," Owen reminded seriously.

Ethan's eyebrows came together. "Hum, never thought of it that way," he stated. Before they could say any more, Carly came over and tapped Ethan on the shoulder.

"Are you two finished making up over here? We're trying to discuss plans for the homecoming game and dance this weekend."

Ethan's jaws tightened... "Oh, I'm not going to the game," he said as Carly frowned.

He hadn't been to any of the games since being kicked off the team. He didn't want to look lame sitting in the bleachers while his former teammates kicked butt on the field without him. Not exactly the way he wanted to spend his free time.

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