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#Landon #Alana

Completely soaked from the rain shower was Alana. Her white sundress clung to her body revealing every curve, from the contours of her tiny waist to the inner part of her thighs. Her dark chestnut hair rested gracefully over her shoulders.

Hypnotized instantly, Landon stood there staring at Alana. His eyes took her in fully, from the purple polish on her toes to the way the steaks of water slowly traveled down her legs. Landon felt his body responding, missing every sensation that came from being with a woman. Blinking hard, he finally returned to his professional mind. But it was too late.

Another pair of eyes burned into his face. Helen looked at him like she had found his kryptonite. He wanted to delete it from her mind, whatever she saw in his face when Alana walked in. Landon could only imagine the lust that gleamed in his eyes and from the way Helen studied him; he knew it was bad—worse than bad. He turned and walked off, avoiding Alana. He couldn't bring himself to look at her as guilt loomed in him like the heavy rain clouds outside.

A classmate had walked Alana to the building. His red, shoulder-length hair was soaked, and little droplets fell to the marble floor. Looking away briefly from the tall red head, Alana looked at the desk to see who was working. A moving figure caught her eye, and she saw Landon walking toward his office. Suddenly insecure, she wondered if he'd seen her; she hoped not. Alana assumed she looked like a wet mop turned upside down, much like the one Landon was carrying to his office.

Alana faced her classmate who was chatting away. "Okay, sure, we can study for the quiz together," she answered, biting her lower lip with a remorseful expression. "I actually have to go, I have a meeting in a few minutes."

She greeted Raquel and Kessa, who were still talking, then walked quickly to the elevator and rushed to her room to get changed. When Alana got to her room, she looked through her closet and grabbed the first decent outfit she could find: skinny jeans and a ruffled cream colored top. She pulled her wet hair back into a ponytail and headed downstairs.

When she got to Landon's office she peeked through the window. He was typing on his desktop. Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled slowly. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she knocked on the door. Landon looked up and smiled, lighting up his entire face. Her heart melted as her nerves settled. There was warmth in Landon's eyes that made Alana feel completely secure.

He waved his hand, signaling for Alana to enter. She smiled brightly and went into the office.

Looking intently at the contours of her face, Landon asked, "How are you doing, Alana?" As she walked closer, he realized her skin was noticeably luminous and clear, even without makeup.

Alana pulled out a baby wipe from her bag and wiped the chair before sitting. "Better! I got drenched in the rain, it really caught me off guard. When I left for class this morning the sun was out and the weather was beautiful. But you know Virginia weather is so, so unpredictable." She looked down at her hands; her nails were chipping again.

"Yeah, I know," Landon agreed, desperately trying to focus. The images of Alana soaking wet and looking like a Maxim girl were still fresh in his mind. He figured if he kept the conversation on the job he'd have a better chance of controlling his thoughts. Motivation came in the form of Drew. After all she'd done for him, he wasn't about to let her down. He feared Helen would either tell Drew about his moment of weakness or use it against him later. Either way, he needed to get it together. "So how are your residents doing?"

"Great! I really enjoy having all girls, they're really supportive of my programming. Oh, I don't want to forget..." She reached into her bag and pulled out The Goonies DVD. "Thanks for letting me borrow this, I love it!" Alana said gleefully, placing the disc in his hand.

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