Tuesday November 26, 2013

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The Hall Speaks

Home Real-life Virginia Beach University

It's been a few days since I got the room change news. When I went to the housing office, here's how everything went down.

I pull open the door and stand in the entryway, taking in the stale smell of the old building. Without a doubt this has to be the oldest thing on campus. I walk up to the front desk.

"Can I talk with Mrs. Smith?" She's the Housing Director.

The receptionist calls me back and then I'm in Mrs. Smith's office before I can gather my words. I plop down in the cushiony blue chair and I lean forward as she finds her seat in front of me.

"I know what you're thinking," she assures.

I seriously doubt that, mostly because even I'm not sure what I'm thinking.

"This isn't ideal, but we have to allow students to switch rooms no matter what their brother did."

I cringe as I'm reminded about the connection. They actually look alike, he and his brother.

"Yeah, I got that." I try to sound normal. "Maybe my resident can switch to his room, instead? Why my hall?"

She stares at me like I said something wrong. But to say I'm not sure if I can look at his face without barfing won't work either.

"I know this seems personal, but this is your job. You're representing the university. You have to treat him just like everyone else."

She is still talking, but I totally tune her out. This is the part where I'm supposed to take the Res-Life straw they hand out during RA training and just suck up whatever she says. I can see that my efforts are going to be shut down, so I don't bother. I know she's right. I'm an RA, a university minion. And I love this university, just not always as an employee. I need to talk with the VP; I trust him like my dad. He's helped me get through a lot. Surely I can add this to the list.

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