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#Carly #Ethan

"Sorry, I'm late, I was just signing up to get my credit card. They're giving those things out like candy," announced Will, pausing and then looked over at Alana. "Thanks for the candy!"

Alana nodded, her eyes smiling as she glanced at Will. She had just taken a bite of her turkey burger and wouldn't dare talk with a full mouth.

"Credit card... be careful with those," warned Ethan, half serious.

"Man, I got this," Will expressed confidently, stuffing fries in his mouth.

"Ethan is right, credit cards can be dangerous if you're not responsible. And Will, you are not the most responsible person I know," Carly joked.

"Okay, stop it with the intervention. I don't even have the magic card yet," demanded Will.

Ethan laughed, popped a few pills in his mouth and took a huge gulp of his bottled water. An empty bottle was all that was left from his lunch. His unique diet didn't go unnoticed by the staff. He ate three pieces of baked chicken, two pieces of fish and a massive salad with no dressing. Carly wished she had that kind of self-control, but her sweet-tooth dominated every meal.

Sitting across from Ethan, Carly had been staring at Ethan on and off since they sat down. She leaned in closer to him. "What kind of pills are those?"

"Oh... supplements," Ethan lied.

"You don't need those, your body is perfect," Carly voiced with a hint of seduction in her tone. The other RAs didn't notice Carly's comment—they were busy discussing what they were going to do after the football game on Saturday.

Ethan stared at Carly and the corners of his mouth lifted, contemplating her intentions.

"They're multi-vitamins," Ethan lied again, a little too easily as he considered being with Carly intimately. She's totally coming on to me? Too bad she has a boyfriend... and he is actually here...

"What's up, Patrick?" Ethan said, and Carly almost choked on her drink. Carly's boyfriend, Patrick, had just arrived at the table and was standing directly behind Carly.

Patrick was tall and gangly, not the athletic type. He and Carly had been together since middle school. They decided to go to the same college and ended up at VBU. Patrick, however, only got into VBU with the help of a relative in admissions.

"What's up, man?" Patrick greeted in return as he grabbed an extra chair from another table. He sat down beside Carly, oblivious of her shocked, slightly embarrassed frown. He was too busy saying hello to the other RAs.

"Patrick, what are...? I thought you had class..." Carly said, clearing her throat nervously at the same time.

"I got to class and there was a sign on the door saying it had been cancelled. It was awesome, man... I hate English. They should pay me to take that class, not the other way around," he replied, taking a bite of Carly's brownie.

"That's because you don't read..." Carly reminded Patrick snidely.

"I read!" clarified Patrick, pushing his heavy bangs back in place. His dark brown hair was longer in the front, and he constantly ran his fingers through it. He then turned his attention to Ethan, who was still looking at Carly.

"So, Ethan... no football this year, that sucks, man," said Patrick, but he didn't sound or look genuine.

"Yeah," mumbled Ethan shortly, not trying to make conversation. Losing his scholarship was a thorn in his side; he hadn't quite accepted his humble position of being a regular student. "I'll see you guys later," he told everyone as he left the table.

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