Beach Epiphany

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#Alana #Landon

"Expanding your target audience, I see," Landon called, impressed by Alana's work ethic.

Alana turned around, her chestnut hair flowing in the breeze. A few honey-colored strands drifted toward her face, touching her full lips. She took the strands and tucked them behind her ear.

Landon's eyes passed from her shoulders down her body, taking in her strapless patterned smock dress. He felt like everything around him stopped, including his heart.

Alana looked down at the flyer, smiling. "So, what brings you down to the beach this early?"

Landon smiled with his eyes. "My sister. We're meeting later on, but I was all caught up in the office so I decided to come a little early. I could use a walk on the beach. It's one of the reasons I wanted to work at VBU, I love being near the ocean. It's energizing and relaxing all at the same time."

"I know exactly what you mean," Alana said, feeling nostalgic.

"Do you have time to walk with me? I need to talk to you."

Alana shrugged. "Sure," she said, stuffing the flyers in her bag.

The sunlight reflected beautifully off the blue ocean that morning. As they walked along the boardwalk, the occasional jogger or cyclist would travel by, but otherwise they were virtually alone. The cool breeze caressed Alana's back and the scent of salt water was fragrant in the air. Landon reached out, offering to hold her book bag while they walked. She looked at his biceps as they flexed when he put the bag over his shoulder. Warmth encircled her waist, imagining Landon's arms wrapped around her body.

"Speaking of the building-wide program, wasn't that your idea? The March of Dimes fundraiser?" Landon asked directly as if he could tell what was on her mind.

Alana tugged her ear seven times, contemplating the truth. "Yes, I told Carly about it during move-in," she explained, wishing to forget all about it.

"I was surprised you didn't say anything during the staff meeting. Why?" he sounded disappointed.

Alana glanced briefly at two joggers passing by. "I didn't know what to say, so I just left." After the meeting she had gone straight to her room and started cleaning, took a hot shower, then another before getting into bed. None of it made her feel any better.

"Did you talk to her?"

"Um, yes," Alana said. She looked at Landon, her eyes hiding something. She couldn't help but go back over the conversation she had with Carly in her mind.

Alana had stopped by Carly's room on Saturday to confront her about the whole program stealing thing. She knocked on the door and Carly invited her to have a seat on the couch.

"Carly, what happened at the meeting? Why did you bring up the March of Dimes fundraiser like it was your idea?" Alana felt the blood rushing to her head.

"Oh... that. Well, you didn't seem too sure about the program when you mentioned it to me. I wasn't sure if you were going to bring it up or not. I figured I would throw it out there to see what the staff thought, and if they didn't like it they'd think I was the loser, not you. Honestly, I thought I was doing you a favor. Alana, really, I wouldn't try to steal your thunder," explained Carly as she fiddled around with her iPad.

Alana could hear the cunningness in her voice and see it in her face. And something in her stomach crumbled.

"Right," Alana mumbled. I don't believe this... I've taken Rhetoric, I argue political debates for the council, and "right" is all I can come up with. Alana wanted to scream. She left the room with the issue unresolved, feeling humiliated and afraid. Of what, she didn't know.

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