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"I need a room change," insisted Emily, running petite hands through her silky hair. "I'm pretty sure she's wearing my underwear—so gross." She made a face as she shook her head. "I know she's wearing them because they're really nice... I only wear Victoria's Secret."

Landon made sure to control his face, even though he wanted to laugh. Over the weekend he had received an urgent emergency email from Emily, demanding they talk immediately. He just never equated "roommate wearing my underwear" as dire. She was Alana's resident; he had asked all her students to contact him while she was away.

"I see," Landon commented. Emily's phone beeped and she couldn't resist looking at the screen.

"Have you tried to talk to her?" Landon continued.

"Yes!" Emily used her thumb to scroll through her iPhone. Holding the phone out for Landon to observe, Emily blurted, "See? I sent her several texts about not wearing my clothes. I even said 'please'."

Landon looked at the screen, then back to Emily, who was looking rather justified.

"That's good that you contacted her about your concerns," Landon acknowledged, rubbing his chin. "But have tried to talk to her face to face?"

Emily paused, thinking. "No, why would I do that? We are so busy, it's just easier this way. It's fine."

"Can you do me a favor?" Landon asked, his clear turquoise eyes illuminating.

Emily started smiling.

"Today, confront her nicely and respectfully about your concerns. Don't take this the wrong way, because I believe you, but from what you shared and what's in the text messages, I can't tell if your roommate is wearing your clothes or not. Has she admitted to doing so?"

Emily didn't say anything for a minute, looking thoughtful. "Not exactly, but no one would admit anything like that!"

Landon peeked at the time on his desktop.

"Can you just ask her? And why don't we follow up tomorrow, I actually have a meeting in the Union in a few minutes."

As Emily left the office, Landon grabbed his briefcase and walked out of the lobby doors of Corbin Hall. Landon hoped that inhaling the crisp, fresh air would help him focus for his appointment. The exhaustion of the weekend hadn't quite worn off. Sunday he had spent the entire day with his sister and brother-in-law, and the night before he had driven Alana to the hospital to see her mom.

Leaving Alana at the hospital was one of the hardest things he'd ever done. He would have preferred to stay with her at her house to console her while her mother stayed in the ICU. But there was no hiding the reality of the situation: she was a student, eighteen at that, and he needed to keep his distance.

As Landon made his way through the Union, he greeted students and faculty with his usual smile. When he reached his destination, he pulled out his iPad and waited. After fifteen minutes had passed, Drew, Director of Residence Life, came in slightly out of breath. Landon assumed she was running late because she had been meeting with Dean Helen beforehand.

"Landon, sorry to keep you waiting," Drew explained, trying to catch her breath. She was wearing a stylish navy-colored suit and nude-colored flats.

Landon stood up. "No problem, you didn't have to rush. I was just working on my agenda for the staff meeting."

Drew smiled and sat down behind her desk. Landon sat back down as well.

"Really, you don't have to stand up when I walk into a room. How many times will I have to remind you?" She pushed up her sleeves, her face glowing from sweat.

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