Friday November 22, 2013

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The Hall Speaks

Home Real-life Virginia Beach University

What I'm about to tell you will totally blow my cover if upper administration finds this blog. But I don't care.

Today, on my way back from class I decided to check my RA mailbox. I've been kinda slacking on that. I noticed a room change form; I saw the name of the guy I'm scared of and my stomach dropped and the room spun. How could they put Charlie on my floor!?

I folded the slip I stuffed it in my bag, my pissed-off feeling not taking over just yet. Oh, but wait for it. I walked down the hallway, looking at the floor; I couldn't pull off the Res-Life I'm happy face. I felt uncertain, like I should smash something or yell.

But then I turned around, heading out the entrance. I needed answers and I needed them now.

I'll update you soon on this situation. Meanwhile, here's some more of the past.

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