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    Lorrie washed down the two plan b's with water as she sat in Sariyah's kitchen irritated with herself for having sex with her enstranged husband yesterday

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    Lorrie washed down the two plan b's with water as she sat in Sariyah's kitchen irritated with herself for having sex with her enstranged husband yesterday. The girls had just been talking and enjoying each other for the past four hours since Lorrie came back over but at this moment she was confessing her fuck up because it was weighing on her mind.

"Bitch I don't know why you lied to that man anyway knowing you don't want kids right now" Amiya—riyah's little sister—spoke fussing at her. That was one thing about their friend group that was mutual , neither of them wanted kids. Everybody wanted a niece or nephew but nobody was taking one for the team. Lorrie choked on her water before flicking her off.

"Talking about some nut in me girl bitch boo" Riri agreed shaking her head. "Waking me up to buy plan b's and shit. He gone be mad as hell when you don't end up pregnant" she continued. She really didn't have a problem getting up. Honestly if her bestfriend needed one everyday she'd go get it. She was making sure neither of them had kids, especially by the selection of men they were with.

"Oh well. I wanted some dick it had been months" she whined making their mouths drop. Months? "but I ain't that dumb he just trying to trap me so I won't leave him. All he had to do was talk to me and make changes. He don't have to get me pregnant" She huffed thinking about how he tried to be slick. That was the most toxic shit he'd ever done but being that she was horny she just let it happen. Baby or not she'd still leave.

She didn't want to be a single mother but she didn't want to be an unhappy mother either. Whether he knew it or not she was still pondering on a divorce. She wanted to be with him more than anything but if he truly didn't want her she wasn't about to force him to stay and she for sure didn't trust him now.

She was well aware that he was trying to trap her with a baby at this point so she was making an appointment to get on birth control as soon as possible.

"I hope you got enough to satisfy you because I ain't sneaking you no more plan b's" Riyah joked while flinching incase Lorrie hit her which she did. "No i'm kidding, whatever you decide sistergal i'm down for it. You know i'll never judge you" She kissed her cheek before sitting down.

Riyah wasn't a fan of Tevin due to the many times she'd have to pull her sister back together when he broke her or made her feel less than what she worth , but she'd tolerate him forever if that's what Lorrie wanted.

"And don't listen to me I ain't married hell I don't even have a man yet" Miya whined. Which was completely on her because she was beautiful girl but she turned every dude who looked her way cute or not. Lorrie wished she had been like her

"For now" Lorrie smirked as she tiptoed to grab a body armor from the freezer. She hit it against the counter to break up the slush before sitting down beside riyah. She knew Miya had her eye on someone but she wasn't going to speak on it until she was ready.

They quietly scrolled on their phones for almost an hour before Miya huffed dramatically from boredom breaking Lorrie from her almost sleep state.

"Please say that y'all are still thinking about going out tonight" She spoke pouting in hopes that they were. They would rarely let her come out with them in case something ever happened even though she wasn't that much younger at all.

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