Book Talk

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⚪ How did we feel about Lorrie's death? Did you see it coming? Me personally when I first started writing the book I had it set in stone that she was going to die

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How did we feel about Lorrie's death? Did you see it coming? Me personally when I first started writing the book I had it set in stone that she was going to die. I wanted to change my mind so bad but I couldn't. It was in the description lol

How did we feel about Lorrie & Aariz and their timeline?

Who was your favorite character?

What character did you hate the most?

Do you have a favorite part in the book? Dang I really don't have one, I was going to type yall a little section but I can't think of one.

Is there anything else you want to speak ok regarding the book? my mind is blank right now.

If you had to rate the book ;excluding being mad at me for the ending; what would you rate it?

Something yall want to see next? (Next book wise)

This book was truly only supposed to be twenty chapters I have no idea how it stretched on. I hope you all enjoyed reading! Make sure to follow and vote. Oh and don't hate me :)

 Oh and don't hate me :)

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Lilo signing out!

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