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Lorrie frantically ran around the shop trying to get everything together for her opening tomorrow

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Lorrie frantically ran around the shop trying to get everything together for her opening tomorrow. "Hey hey pause" Aariz finally spoke as he grabbed her arm halting her movement. "Look at me. Take a minute and breathe. No talking" he demanded again as she tried to remove herself from his arms before realizing he wasn't budging.

"Ok" she gave in while looking up. He loosened his grip on her arm before snaking his arms around her waist. She instantly calmed down as the two gazed into each other's eyes. He brought a sense of peace to her that no one else could and she loved every bit of it.

His flip phone went off in his pocket and he opened it before closing it right back not wanting to ruin their moment. Lorrie caught the gesture and melted into his embrace more. Growing shy she placed her head on his chest and rode out the remainder of her silence there as his heartbeat filled her ears.

"Thank you" she quietly spoke feeling much calmer after that. "You got to calm down mama you stressing too much. I know you want shit to be perfect that's why I got all these people here working on it. Let them do their job" he softly spoke to her in a demanding tone.

"I just want it to be perfect. I've been waiting for this moment and it's finally here" she pouted. He leaned down and kissed her bottom lip understanding where she was coming from. "It's already perfect mama let them work" he bargained.

"Fine but I'm coming back tonight and double checking everything" she pointed at him while glancing around at the people he'd hired.

"I'll be right beside ya" he chuckled. "Come on I'll get your stuff. Riyah will kill me if you don't make it to y'all lil reservations on time"

"Oh shit!" She exclaimed, she completely forgot they all said they were doing dinner tonight. "Exactly come on woman" he shook his head. It was the whole reason he came along he was sure she'd forget.

"Well can we stop by your place so I can grab my shark lock boots?" She questioned walking behind him. "I thought you had those already"

"Yea I got the white ones at the house but I left the black ones at you— our" he corrected. "Every house I own is yours now too" he continued making her blush.

"Well I left them at our house, our other house" she laughed. He nodded before opening her door. "What else you need done before tomorrow" he asked as he got into the car.

"I got a hair appointment in the morning with Té, then I got to pick up my outfit from the designer and I'm good. Actually let me add this stuff to my calendar" she spoke pulling out her phone.

"You got to get fitted for your dress in three days add that too" he reminded her. They were finally planning the wedding now that things were a bit calmer in the parenting life.

"Oh you know I'm not going to forget that" she grinned excitedly.

"Tryna fuck" he randomly asked making her choke on a laugh. "Boy what we just fucked lastnight and I'm still sore"

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