Chapter 37 - Different Perspectives

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—-- Roxy Migurdia —--

It had been around four months since our arrival to the Demon Continent, my homeland, and although we had visited every settlement on our way up north, we had yet to find any signs of Zenith or Lilia.

In fact, we hadn't found any signs of any Fittoans at all.

It seemed Leon was pretty unlucky to be teleported here.

I wonder... from what I heard, he was transported along with his sisters and that young lady, so maybe the number of people dictated how far a group was teleported? Maybe it was-

No. There I went again, rambling about unconfirmed hypotheses.

Such thinking would amount to nothing of importance.

Right now, we had to focus. While we were fine with money, and I was confident that I could survive most of this continent, the same didn't go for Lilia and Zenith.

Elinalise and Talhand said that Zenith should be fine, as she was a former S-rank adventurer, but I had my doubts.

After all, she was a healer, and in combat played a supporting role.

Not that useful in front of the bloodthirsty monsters that roamed this land.

And most importantly, she didn't know any of the language or the customs.

Knowing how kind-hearted that woman was, I bet she would greet someone like Dead End with open arms, only to be slain a moment later.

Gah. The thought sent shivers down my spine.

I was always terrified of those stories.

Shaking my head, I then begin heading up the inn's stairs, ready to get Elinalise up and ready to move to the next town.

"Ahn~! Y-Yesshh~! Ohh~!"

Hearing such erotic sounds, I immediately come to a stop.

Unfortunately, this was not a rare occurrence, but despite that, each time I heard the elven woman moaning, I couldn't stop the blush from spreading across my cheeks.

How r-ridiculous! And scandalous!

It was even worse how she made me cast detoxification magic on her after each 'encounter'!

Well, that's not necessarily a problem, but how she explained how each man, and sometimes woman, had their way with her, was.

I was an innocent lady, and I intended to stay that way until I found the man for me!

My anger steeling my resolve, I walk up and bang my hand against the door. "We're leaving! Come downstairs!"

"Hmm- Anh~! R-Roxy?" Elinalise hums. "A-All right, just let these gentlemen finish- ungh! T-That's good, dear."

Not wanting to be in the presence of all... that any longer, I quickly made my way back downstairs.

Seriously, that woman.

It was odd how quickly she shifted from a mature person I could look to for advice, to such a shameless... well, as she would call herself, an 'enjoyer of men'.

However, at this point, her promiscuity was nothing surprising.

"I-I'm telling you! This is my domain, so there is no need for me to pay for a meal!"

"What are you talking about, kid? Are you trying to scam me? This has been a free city for over three centuries, so pay up!"

Hearing such an argument, I hasten my steps, turning the corner into the diner to see the owner of the establishment arguing with a... girl?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 27 ⏰

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