Chapter 36 - Doldia Village

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—-- Leon Greyrat —--

It had been a week since the rescue operation, and after one day of travel, I had spent the rest of the time relaxing and playing with some of the children of the Doldia village.

I mean, as we would be spending the next few months here, I might as well make some connections, right?

But it had already been seven days... I was getting a bit worried that something had gone wrong with Ruijerd and the rest.

Maybe the ship had already left? Or maybe they got caught up with the smugglers?

I didn't know, but I was anxious that Eris was left watching Aisha and Norn by herself for all this time.

I could trust her, of course, but it didn't mean I wanted to leave everything to her for so long.

And so, deciding that enough was enough, I decided that after a good night's rest, I would head back to Zant Port first thing in the morning to see what was happening. And if need be, offer my assistance.

But rather than being welcomed by the singing of birds or a hesitant knock by one of the kids, I instead was woken by the sounds of screaming and an instinctual churning in my stomach.

Something... something was wrong.

Shooting out of my bed, I quickly grab my sword before heading out the door of the residence I had been gifted by Gyes, only to see the night-time scenery lit up by flames.

A... forest fire?

The rainy season was just about to come when the land and forest would be drenched with water, which meant that right now, the forest was extremely wet.

So something like this should be extremely rare.

Unless, of course, it was... not natural.


"Evacuate the houses!"

"Ansha!? Ansha! Where are you!?"

Beastfolk ran around panicked as armoured humans chased some, trying to grab any women and children they could and cutting down any that provided any resistance.

So it was an attack... that explained the fire.

The sounds of confusion, carnage, and fear entered my ears, quickly snapping me out of my thoughts.

Right. That didn't matter right now.

There was a fire, and fire was bad, so the obvious thing to do was put it out.

Raising my hand into the air, I summon rain clouds across the sky before having them converge above me. Twisting and churning the atmosphere, infusing the clouds with mana, and transforming said mana into water, before letting it all fall.

As the rain began to pour down, I noticed a man, a kidnapper, tear a child from a woman's arms before unsheathing their sword, raising it to bring down on the woman's neck.

Extending my other arm, I generate a stone bullet before releasing it, accompanied by a blast of wind to propel it. Breaking the sound barrier, the bullet slammed into the man's head a moment later, instantly killing him before his sword reached the woman.

Tsk. There were more. And from what Gustav said before, most if not all of the warriors were gone to rescue the rest of the kidnapped children.

It seemed their weak defences had been exploited, leading these attackers to have free range on the entire village. And considering the rainy season was about to begin, by the time the warriors got back, they wouldn't be able to go after them for a while.

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OCWhere stories live. Discover now