Chapter 9 - Friend

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—-- Leon Greyrat —--

The three bullies looked toward me, who was sprinting toward them, with shock.

"Huh? Who are you?" one of them asks.

Coming closer to the victim, I slow my pace to a walk as I form a few balls of water above my palm, causing the three to back away from the smaller kid.

"Does it matter? I asked you three a question. What do you think you're doing?" I say with a frown.

"T-That's the knight's kid! He knows magic!" one of them exclaims.

'He knows magic'... nice deduction skills, genius.

"H-Hey! We're just punishing a dirty demon! Don't you see? They even have green hair!" another one says.

Right... green hair was supposedly a taboo here, stemming from the Demon race of Superds in the last Human-Demon war.

Not only did I not care about such stereotypes, but under certain lighting, Roxy's hair looked like a shade of green.

And it was beautiful.

"Scram before you make me do something we both regret. Got it?" I snarl, casting a floating fireball for emphasis.

They seem to get the message as they quickly scamper away, not before barking back some words which I ignore.

Watching them walk away, I crouch down to the kid, "Hey? Are you okay?"

...Well, it was obvious they weren't.

I guess I could take this chance to brush up on my communication skills with those outside my family.

"Ah, probably not, right?" I continue. "Here, let me heal you right up."

Reaching over to their hood, I'm stopped by a frail hand.

"N-No! Keep the hood!" they cry.

Hm? Oh... green hair, right. They must have a complex about it.

"I'm not stupid like them. I don't care what colour your hair is. I quite like the colour green. It reminds me of spring and nature," my words, while a bit cheesy, seem to calm down the kid.

"A-Are you sure?" they ask meekly.

"Positive. Now come on, I need to see the damage."

Relinquishing to my request, they then lowered their hood, revealing a set of pointed ears, a cute tear-stained face, and as expected, a set of green hair.

And if my guess was right, 'they' seemed to be a 'she'.

"There we go. What's your name?" I ask as I check over their injuries.

Her face was marred in dirt and grime, as well as a few scratches from what seemed to be a fall. And under her clothes were likely more than a few bruises, if they hadn't formed already.

"S-Sylphiette- Ahn!" she shouts.

"Shh, calm down. It's just healing magic," I say, casting healing magic. "Sylphiette, huh? That's a pretty name."

She squirms as I continue healing her, likely due to the itchiness from getting healed, as well as the unfamiliarity of the sensation, but soon enough, she was as good as new.

Thankfully, there was no need for skin-to-skin contact if the injury wasn't bad enough, so there was no need to strip her of her clothes.

"Can you close your eyes, mouth, and nose for me?" I say.

She nods her head, and with her nose scrunched and mouth sealed, I then generate some warm water before cleaning off her face and hair. Controlling the stream to wash away all the dirt, after I finish, I then begin drying her off with some warm wind magic.

Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OCWhere stories live. Discover now