forty six

206 10 6

*Aria's p.o.v*

I'm in the lobby with Travis, during the blizzard. We opened up the station for anyone who needed a place to stay at and to keep warm. I'm just keeping myself entertained by being with Travis, since I couldn't go home. It's also been a week since I found out that Maya was still in contact with our father. I've tried avoiding her, because of what happened, but she is still my captain. I turned around when I heard Vic coming into the lobby, arguing with someone on the phone. I watch as she hangs up and Travis and I give her a look.

Vic: Don't *points at us*

Me: We didn't say anything.

Vic: guys want to tell me why men are such babies?

Travis: Ooh. Question for the ages. Mm. Maybe you'll find the answer, uh, if you take over for my phone shift. Please!

Vic: Oh, no! No, no. You're not gonna do it today.

Me: I knew it was coming. He's been trying to make me do it all night.

Vic: Besides, I already put in my phone time, and, uh, now I gotta go entertain some kids. 

Travis: Vic.

Vic: You're a baby. Men are babies! Excuse me.

I burst out laughing and I look at Travis as the phone starts to ring. He tried to playfully hit me, but I ran up the stairs laughing. I made my way into the beanery where Dean was cooking some of his chili. 

Me: Dean! Is that your special chili I smell?

Dean: Yeah, come here try some.

I walk over to him and I smile at him happily. He grabbed a teaspoon and scooped up some chili. When there was enough on the spoon, he handed it to me and I tried it. 

Me: Mmmm. Why is this better than all of the times you've made it?

Dean: I'm telling you. It has an effect on people, especially you and Jack. You guys ate my whole batch last time.

Me: Hey, I did warn you that it tasted good.

I turn around when I hear Jack walking in. He rushes over and grabs a spoon to try the chili. I laugh as he says that it's good. 

Me: Jack I swear if you eat all of it, I will personally come for you.

Jack: Woah there little Bishop, I won't.

Me: Mhm. I'm shocked that the nickname is still there, but I guess I'll allow it *I roll my eyes*

JJ: The baby needs chili!

Dean: Almost ready!

Jack: Aww. She's like a tiny, little monster.

Dean: Growing a second, tinier monster inside of her.

Me: She sounds mean when she's pregnant. That's okay though, because she's carrying my little niece in there.

Dean: Your niece?!

Me: Yeah, Miller. That baby is gonna call me Auntie Aria no matter what.

Jack: You excited?

Dean: It's not the first word to come to mind.

Jack: Eager? Enthusiastic? Exhilarated? 

Dean: Terrified. I'm terrified.

Me: Oh my god. Dean Miller, terrified?! Now that is something I never thought I would ever see.

Dean: Ari, be quiet before I don't give you any chili.

Me: Well dang, alright.

JJ: Do you have any raw onions?

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