fifty six

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*Aria's p.o.v*

It was the next morning after the birth of my son. Everyone had texted me and asking when they could see our little boy. I agreed to let them stop by this afternoon, so that we could at least get a little bit of peace until everyone is in our room. I've already fed the baby and I'm just scrolling through my phone while Andrew is sleeping on the couch.

I take a couple of selfies of me and my little boy and I just smile down at the beautiful boy that I've created. I couldn't believe that I was officially a mom. I looked at my son and I knew that I would do anything for this boy.

Me: *I whisper* You're mommy's little baby.

I smiled down at him as his eyes are slightly opened. I played with him for a little bit, until my arms started to get tired. I laid him back down on the little bassinet that was beside my bed and I just watched him as he fell back asleep.

I leaned back into my soft pillows and I just smiled while looking up at the ceiling. I thought about all the memories Andrew and I had that led to this sweet moment.

*a couple hours later*

I woke up from the nap I had taken after feeding the baby. I looked at Andrew who was awake and holding our little baby. I smiled at the sight of them sitting on the couch. I took a couple of pictures before I spoke up.

Me: Good morning babe *I smiled*

Andrew: Good morning beautiful. How was your nap?

Me: Good. How's the dad life treating you so far?

Andrew: Well, he pooped on me.

Me: Oh?! *I burst out laughing* That's my boy.

Andrew: Don't worry. I'll make sure he poops on you soon.

Me: He's mama's boy. He won't poop on me.

Andrew: Mhm we'll see.

I laughed again still picturing the fact that our son had pooped on Andrew. I looked back at my phone and I saw that it was almost lunch time. I felt my stomach rumble and Andrew immediately lifted his head and looked at me.

Andrew: Are you hungry? Scratch that, I know you are. What do you want? I'll go pick something up right now.

Me: Burgers and fries, pleaseeeeeee.

Andrew: Okay beautiful. You sure you'll be alright when I leave?

Me: You don't think I can handle being alone with our little boy?

Andrew: I didn't say that.

Me: I'll be fine *I smiled*

Andrew: Okay, well I'll be back soon then.

He puts the baby back onto the bassinet and he gives me a kiss goodbye. We both say our 'I love you's' and he gives me one more kiss before he really left the room. I looked back at my little baby boy who was sleeping peacefully as always.

*10 minutes later*

Andrew finally came back with our food and he placed it down on the little table in front of me. I quickly started to eat, since I wasn't able to eat ever since the labor. I watched as Andrew made his way over to the sink and washed his hands. After washing his hands, he gave our boy a kiss on the forehead and then went over to me and gave me a kiss as well. Then he sat down on one of the chairs and started to eat his food.

Andrew and I talked for a bit and just peacefully ate our food. I told him about how we should be prepared since our family was gonna stop by to see the baby. When we finished our food, Andrew helped me clean everything up. While he was cleaning, Carina had knocked on our door and walked inside.

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