fifty one

196 11 1

*Aria's p.o.v*

We were all in the locker room, getting changed and getting ready to leave the station after our shift. I turn my head around when I saw Sullivan walking in, with Maya right behind him. 

Sullivan: Meeting in the beanery. 

Dean: Now? I got childcare, and shift is over. 

Maya: Call the babysitter. You're gonna be late. 

Dean: How late? 

Once I got my things situated, I went into the beanery and I sat down with the others. I look over at Maya confused as to why we were all in the beanery.

Me: Do we know what this is?

Maya: We do. 

Andy: Do we want to tell our team what this is? 

Maya: Critical incident stress debriefing. 

We all groan as she tells us why we had to stay back. 

Jack: I'm too tired for head shrinking. 

Travis: My eyes are starting to move independently of each other. 

Dean: *raises his hand* Uh, I have a baby.

Vic: *points at Dean* Yeah, I have his baby. 

Ben: I have a couple of teenagers and a wife who gets mad if I don't come home after my twenty-four hour shift. 

Me: And I'm pregnant. You can't hold a pregnant lady hostage to do some therapy.

Travis: I have...a deep desire to not be here. *stands up* 

Maya: Sit down.

Travis: Thank you. I'd love to *sits back down*

Maya: This isn't my call. It's over my head. But even if it was my call, I wouldn't let you leave. Vasquez was on our team. 

Finch: *walks in* Captain Bishop, you might want to take your A shift powwow somewhere else. We have to cook in here, and unless you want us to filet Gibson for breakfast...I'd get him out of our sight. 

I roll my eyes and we all turn our heads at Jack who makes his way out of his chair. He walks out of the beanery and we all stood up and followed after him. We all make our way into the gym and we find comfortable places to sit at. We all look up when we hear Sullivan walking in.

Sullivan: Team. This is Dr. Diane Lewis. She's a psychologist and a trauma specialist. 

Dean: Doctor Lewis, is it legal for our employers to hold us hostage in the gym and force us to talk about our feelings? 

Vic: No. We don't use the "F" word here when we're at work. 

Sullivan: Miller, Hughes, don't push it. 

Travis: And if it legal, is it psychologically sound?

Dean: Mm.

Diane: Did they lead you here at gunpoint? 

Ben: Emotional gunpoint. 

Travis: "Mandatory" gunpoint.

Sullivan: I swear to god if y'all don't shut up!

I widen my eyes and I look at Vic. I held my laughter in, trying not to laugh at a serious moment. 

Sullivan: Doctor, I will leave you to it. *walks away*

Diane: So, your battalion chief has a hair trigger temper. Who wants to talk about that?

Andy: I thought we were here to talk about Vasquez. 

Diane: We're here to talk about whatever needs talking about. Last year, more firefighters died from suicide than in the line of duty. What's the matter? Big, strong firefighters afraid to use your words? 

Ben: What kind of therapist are you? 

Diane: The kind who used to jump out of helicopters and rappel into wildfires. I know you because I am you. I know what you see everyday. I know how it feels to lose one of your own. Vasquez had a pulmonary embolism the day he was supposed to go home. Now, that hurts me, and I never even met the guy. So, yes, I am holding you hostage today. At emotional gunpoint. Um, am I seriously supposed to do this in the gym? 

Maya offered to do the meetings at her office and we all stayed in the gym as Jack went to go first. I pulled out my phone and I texted Andrew that I wasn't gonna get home until later because of the sessions. 

*a few hours later*

When it was finally my turn to see Diane, I went down to Maya's office and I sat down on the chair.

Me: It's nice to see you again Diane.

Diane: It's nice to see you too Aria.

I sat down and she asks me the questions she usually asks. We start talking about how Vasquez's death has 'affected' me, which didn't really have much of an explanation there. After I explained to her how I felt, she wanted me to open up about my life some more. I told her how I was pregnant and how much my life had changed since our last therapy session together. Once the session was over, I gave her a hug and I left the office to head home. 

*at the apartment*

I walk into the apartment and I'm immediately greeted by two pair of hands wrapping around my stomach. I laugh a bit as I start to feel Andrew giving me kisses. I push him away as I smell food. I smiled at him and I gave him a kiss before I walked over to the kitchen and I grabbed a plate of food. I quickly started eating, since I was really hungry. 

Author's Note:

Just a little chapter. I think the next couple chapters will be time jumps to get the pregnancy over with soooooo. I'll try to make it as long as possible, but idk yet. Probably about 4 time jumps and then some cute little chapters, until we get back to work. 

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