Play Date

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At Pops' house, Mordecai is brushing his teeth. Rigby and (Y/n) are standing at the door. "Look, you know I couldn't be happier that you didn't back down from going on this date with Anna. I admire that. But tonight we had plans! Man plans! Man's!" Rigby said. Mordecai turns to look at Rigby. "(Y/n)'s not a man." He said, and Rigby groans. "Come on! You know what I meant!" Rigby said. "I know, I know, but this is important. And I told you I was sorry. You still have (Y/n)." Mordecai said.

"Exactly! I can't just spend time with her tonight it will make things awkward!" Rigby protested, and Mordecai rolls his eyes. "Dude, come on, you're overreacting." He said. "Am I? If it's just me and (Y/n) eating pizza and prank calling Benson it's gonna feel like a date." Rigby said. "But we do this every Saturday; I'm only missing it once." Mordecai said, and Rigby points at Mordecai.

"You know this is a three best friend job." He said. But Mordecai wasn't listening, and goes back to brushing his teeth. "I'm not hanging out with you two tonight, dude." He said. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh!" Rigby dramatically throws his arms up and spins out of the bathroom. Later in the day, Anna is standing outside waiting for Mordecai. Mordecai opens the front door. "Hey!" She said.

"Hi, hey! So, um, I'm glad you could make it out tonight." He gives Anna a hug and she chuckles. "Woah! You're a real move maker today." She said. "Oh, uh... I mean... I thought..." Mordecai said. "Hey, hey, I'm just teasing! It's cool. You already got me on a date, there's no need to impress me." Anna said. Mordecai blushes. "Ha, yeah, it's cool. I'm cool." He said. "Pfft. Alright, cool guy. What are we doing on this hot date?" Anna asked. "Well, we could go eat at the new falafel fusion truck, or there's the tried-and-true Wing Kingdom,

and then after that I was thinking we could," Mordecai begins to count off on his fingers. 'Go catch a movie, or go to trivia night at the arcade, or take a chance on disco night down at that weird bingo hall." He said. "Yeah, sounds good." Anna said. "Uh... which one?" Mordecai asked. "All of 'em. Let's just start at the beginning and see how far we get." Anna said. "Okay."

They begin to walk away when all of a sudden, a ghostly green light appears, along with a portal that has spirits flying out of it. A van drives out of the portal, revealing Death and his wife, who appears to be yelling at him about something. Death then appears to be trying to reason with her. "Uh..." Anna points. "That van just came out of thin air." She said. "We should go." Mordecai tries to quickly walk off with her. "Do you know them?" Anna asked, still pointing. "Nope." He replied. "Hold it right there!"

A door is heard opening, and Death walks over to Mordecai and Anna before they can get away. Mordecai waves. "Ha ha. Hey, Death. How's it going?" He asked nervously. Anna looks at Mordecai. "Uh... Death?" She asked. Mordecai motions to Death. "Anna, this is Death." He motions to Anna. "Death, Anna." Death takes a close look at her. "Another chipmunk? Does she know your friend by any chance?" Death asked. "(Y/n)? Yeah, she's her sister." Mordecai said.

"You know my sister?" Anna asked Death curiously. "Of course I know her, been trying to get her soul for a while now." Death said. "Wait, what?" Anna asked, her eyes widen slightly. "Yeah, what?" Mordecai asked suspiciously. "Never mind." Death said quickly. "Well, it's been great running into you." Mordecai tries to leave again. "Oh, we're not through yet." Death gestures over to his van. "You're gonna babysit Thomas tonight." He uses magic to open one of the van's doors. Thomas is seen sitting in his baby seat with a grumpy expression on his face. "Aw, man!" Mordecai said.

Anna puts up her paws in defense. "Um, actually, we were just about to head out ourselves." She said. "Well, you're in for a change of plans, missy, because," Death points at Mordecai. "This joker owes me a favor." He said. Mordecai quickly glances over at Anna before coming up with a plan. "Hold on a second." He walks a few feet away and dials somebody's number. (Y/n) is heard answering the phone. "Yeah?" She asked. "(Y/n), I need you to do me a huge favor and babysit Thomas tonight."

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