Chapter 50

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We were ready for this. To come out firing and that's exactly what we did. From the minute that whistle blew, we pushed and pushed. We were confident that we could make history, the loss in 2019 really pushed us to be better, to play better.

Within the opening minute we had our first chance. I shot the ball, hitting the crossbar but the ball bounced back to Caro, she tried to cross it into Jenni but she couldn't get her head on it. It fell back into the direction of Alexia but Fran Kirby attempted to clear it. It didn't work, she hit her own defenders leg and it went into the back of the net.

This was it, this was the advantage we needed. We just had to keep up our intensity for the next 88 minutes. We all knew that it wasn't enough, they could easily score and then it would be even, after that it would be harder to get back on top. Both teams would be hungry, we silently agreed to not let that happen.

Almost immediately, Chelsea had a chance to score. Sam was given the ball outside the box and she sent it in for the cross, thankfully Marta was there and headed the ball out for a corner. Pernille was able to get a foot on the ball, attempting to send over Sandra but she cleared it.

Pernille was pushing for a goal, somehow not matter what she was able to find space. Thankfully Marta was there, pushing the ball out whenever possible. Chelsea next chance came in the form of a header from Madga, she was dangerous in set pieces but it was off target and went out.

Chelsea seemed to get out of their shell shock and started pressing harder, it was starting to be a real fight. In the 12th minute we got a good run, I had space for a bit and was able to get the ball to Caro, who then passed it back to Jenni. As she pulled back to strike the ball, one of Chelsea defenders took her ankle out from under her. She was fine (maybe), and we were awarded the penalty.

Madga was giving the ref a hard time as alexia took the ball to set up for the penalty. She would score, that's what Lexi does. VAR were double checking that it was in fact a penalty, I was standing behind Madga, listening to her argue with the ref and trying not to laugh. She'd probably start yelling at me and I would definitely laugh in her face.

VAR confirmed it was a penalty. Lex took her steps back and then one step to the right, AKB goes to the right but alexia goes left and she scores it. 2-0 in the first 15 minutes is an electric feeling. It gave us more leeway, more power.

The first warning from the ref to us came when Alexia hand balled, she softly kicked the ball away and then swore. It was directed at anyone but herself, but because she kicked the ball away as well, the ref gave her a warning.

Chelsea had a free a few metres from the top of the box, this could be their chance to score, to put themselves back into the race. The ball was sent in by Carter, Pernille got a slight head on it and it fell to Sam's feet. Danger. Just as Alexia got a head on the ball the ref blew the whistle , the offside flag went up.

The third goal came when Leila passes me the ball from a throw in, I had space to run down the wing and find J, passing the ball to her and quickly pulls it back and passes to Aitana. Aitana sees that I have space and slots the ball through the Chelsea defenders legs. It was up to me, all I had to do with get through Carter and score.

That's exactly what I was able to do, as carter went in for the tackle, I moved slightly to the left which gave me the space to get around her and score. There couldn't be a better start than being up 3-0 by the 22nd minute.

As we ran back to our positions, Lex pulled me in.

"I am so in love with you." She said as she pulled me in tightly, I laughed and pushed her back to her position.

10 minutes later we capitalised again. Aitana fed me the ball at halfway and I had space to run into the box, Millie bright was the only defender on me and Caro so I had a choice to make. I waited until it was obvious that Bright would come to me, nutmegging her to feed the ball to Caro who scored. Our 4th bloody goal.

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