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Amayra's narrative

"Hey kangaroo!"

I almost groaned in frustration as I heard the voice I've been avoiding since days now. I plastered a fake smile on my face and turned around to face Kiaan.

More like Gian.

"Yes Mr. Malhotra, do you need something?" I asked him. He grinned, a very cheeky grin, may I add, and leaned forward, too close to my liking.

"Yeah. Book a flight to Los Angeles for me." My lips twitched in annoyance. "And why'd I do that? I'm not your secretary," I retorted and went back to my desk, flipping through the documents and working.

He paused, and then very dramatically, placed a hand over his heart and mocked pain. I had the urge to kick him out, for he's the only person in this world who can annoy me so much.

"Oh come on kangaroo, you know I'm leaving the country soon. Don't be so hard on me." I almost rolled my eyes. The way he was acting like a child made it hard to believe he's *older* than me.

I finally booked his tickets and kicked him out of my office. Only an hour until I leave for my penthouse. Yeah, penthouse. It was Daddy dearest's idea to get me a penthouse when I could have lived anywhere else, with my own money.


I blinked as I looked at the door.


Why do everyone has to pester me today? I'm trying to be calm here for heaven's sake. I permitted the person to enter and Siddharth Bhaiya got inside. I could feel my confusion rising. Why's he here? He sat down after I asked him to and looked at me.

"Hey Amayra," he started. "So, you must be thinking why I'm here." I nodded. He took a deep, deep, breath. "I have been working with Abhimanyu. On...your case." My fingers turned numb, my gut wrenching as a few memories flashed my mind.

"Defying orders, huh? Aren't you a feisty little girl? Why did you go to that camp? You should have stayed in the mansion, Meera. Let me show you what happens to disobedient little girls."

The sound vibrating in my ears made me clench my fists, a wave of disgust and nausea washing over me.

"What about it?" I gritted out the words, trying to maintain my composure.

"We're trying. Finding. Desperately. We haven't got the truth out yet. But, we'll find it. Soon. I promise. Just...don't be so distant with Abhimanyu. He's breaking...again. He's not eating, or sleeping, or taking care of himself. Just...be a little compassionate. Don't...I don't know. Please, he's hurting. You-" I raised my palm, indicating him to stop and he did so, hesitantly.

"The person you're telling me show compassion to, is my accused rapist. And he is, until he's not proven innocent." My words were sharp and bitter. And I knew it. I could faintly see, see Abhimanyu standing by my door, and if he's guilty about his deeds, my words will hurt him.

"I didn't knew you felt so good baby. So good I want to remain inside you."

"In my court, you're guilty until you're proven innocent." Those were my final words as I went back to work, giving it away completely that I'm done with the conversation. He silently left, clearly getting the idea that I didn't want to talk or appreciated his presence.

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