Calum Caught It Too?

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A/N: kinda like a part 2 from the first one... Probably still full of sarcasm and my crazy English vocabulary tbh xx

Calum's POV
As I arrived home at around 5 o'clock that evening, having spent most of the day at Luke's house trying to nurse him back to health, I didn't feel my best.
Probably just tired, I thought.
Liz sent me and the other two boys home when Luke started throwing up really violently again, hoping that we wouldn't catch the bug, but it looks like she may have been a little too late.
I open the front door, and see my older sister Mali-Koa lounging on the sofa, watching TV. By the sounds of it, I think it's Masterchef. Not that that matters.
Quite suddenly my head starts pounding and my throat is raw, my stomach starts turning and my nose is runny and sore.
I mentally curse myself for getting sick and walk up to Mali, throwing myself down on the spare armchair. I cough a little, so Mali turns to me and sighs sympathetically.
"I heard Luke was pretty sick today, huh? Liz told me earlier."
"Liz? Why were you talking to Liz?"
"We text sometimes, she makes quite good conversation."
I'm confused, but I say nothing. I can't be bothered to argue right now. I feel too sick.
"She told me what happened with him last night as well, poor boy," I shoot her a perplexed glance. "Did she not tell you?" I shake my head a little, but immediately regret it, it hurts too much.
"Apparently the poor boy woke up around half two and went to knock on Liz and Andy's door for help, medicine or something. Then, he just burst into tears and soon threw up. Liz said he passed out afterwards and it was pretty scary. Little Luke must have felt really- Calum? Are you okay?"
She's noticed my paling features and is fretting uncontrollably now. I quite abruptly vomit all over her.I can tell she's not sure if she should be upset because now she has to take a shower or hug me because I'm ill.
Instead of doing either of those, she takes off my soiled shirt and effortlessly carries me upstairs to my bedroom. I fall asleep quickly, drifting away into a pleasant dream land.


Mali's POV

In the morning, there is a lazy knock on the door at around 10 AM. I called the rest of 5sos to come see Cal for a bit and try to cheer him up. When I open it I see a pale Luke, bedhead Michael (still in lilac pyjamas decorated with rounded plum triangles that I think are supposed to be guitar picks) and Ashton, who doesn't look particularly hot himself. In fact, Ash doesn't look good at all. Really, I think he's caught The Black Death. This could be the start of a new Plague epidemic.
"Hey Mali, we came to see Calum and cheer his sorry little butt up!" Mikey smiles and Ashton groans in a somewhat sickly manner.
"You okay now Luke?" I ask softly.
"Yep, it wasn't anything too serious, I haven't eaten much this morning but I don't feel too bad. A little bit of a headache but here's probably better for that than at home, with my brothers carrying on and all."
"I'm glad to hear it, sweetie. Come in, Calum's in his room, you can go straight up," I usher them in and they head upstairs, each thanking me as they pass, even if Ashton speaks a little quieter than the others.
I guess Cal will be okay, with his best friends beside him. Sometimes I think there's nothing those boys can't fix with him.

A/N: thanks for reading, and keep requesting. That one was weird, I know. Minty xx

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