Bad Day- Michael

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Dedicated to sosy_luke :-)
Thanks to AshtonsOreos for requesting this one. It took a while but I got it done!xx

Luke's POV:

I entered the tiny kitchenette of the 5SOS tour bus at 4:30 AM. We had 5 interviews to do, an acoustic show in some park, sound check, meet and greet and then the actual show. It was going to be a long day, but we love our job, so we'll get through it. Ashton was attacking his head with a hairbrush whilst stuffing Vegemite toast in his face and Calum was sat next him, one hand rubbing his eyes, the other on Ash's thigh. I'm not even going to ask why. Michael was sat on the counter top, head thrown back, one hand under his shirt, belt loosened, one hand gripping the counter for support. He looks pale.

Calum starts giggling and stands up, thrusting his phone in my face, trying to show me something a fan sent him. I smile and chuckle accordingly, which he takes as his cue to go and show Michael. Upon noticing the bright garish light in his face, Michael groaned, coughing at the end. Cal rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back on his pocket.

"Let's go guys, we gotta be at the interview in a couple of minutes," Ashton stands up, so we follow him in a short line out of the bus, into a van outside. As I'm 'helping Michael organise the boot', I decide to confront him on his sickly complexion.

"Hey Mike, you okay? You look a bit off," I push some hair out of his eye.

"I'm fine, Luke. I'm just a bit tired," Michael rubs his eyes and coughs. I sigh, turning and getting in the car. Something's wrong with him. He won't admit it, and I can already see this is going to end badly.

Once we arrive at the interview, I'm even less convinced that Michael is okay. He's gone a pale shade of greeny-brown and isn't talking at all. The makeup lady puts lots of foundation on him so nobody can see his terrible complexion. Ash and Cal are chatting and giggling, blissfully unaware of my concern for Mikey's health. We're ushered into a small room, the walls lined with vinyls, floor to ceiling; I take a seat between Ashton and Michael, who is sat nearest the door. I feel like this is because he also fears he'll get sick.

"So, how're you guys? Touring's gotta be pretty draining, I guess," the interviewer is a young woman with a warm Scottish burr (lol my autocorrect tried to change burr to butt and then burrito), and she shakes each of our hands, pulling away rather quickly when she feels Michael's clammy, sweaty palms.  We all answer in a chorus of 'good's and 'yes'es, talking over each other until she starts bombarding us with Twitter questions that are flooding in as the interview is being live streamed.

"Question for Michael from @twitteraccount... Are you okay? You look kind of pale. Cat x," the whole band turns to look at Michael questioningly.

"Um, hi Cat. Yeah, I'm fine. Ashton was moving around a ton last night, and I sleep underneath him, it was kinda hard to sleep with a ... What's something that moves a lot?"

"Ferret!"  Calum thrusts his hand and in the air in triumph.

"Hey, man, you just called me a ferret! Take it back!" Ashton protests.

"No way! You're a ferret!"

"You're a fucking ferret! Oh, oops. My mum said she was gonna get the whole family to watch this! Sorry mum! Sorry innocent younger siblings! Apologies, this is Calum's fault!"

"Your mum is watching this?" I try and distract everyone from Michael. The other boys ramble on about Ashton's mum and her cooking. I look over at Mike, and he looks on the verge of tears.

Somehow, we struggle through the interviews, and drag ourselves happily in and out of the acoustic show. Sound check is odd, because Michael leaves halfway through the set to use the bathroom. I'm pretty sure he's throwing up. Poor guy. My voice shakes with worry as I sing, and my hands wobble when I hug the fans at M&G, but Michael paints a smile on, laughing and generally just being Michael.

We jump, sing, shout and strum on stage for a full hour and a half. We stumble off stage after encore, and I look at Michael. His bottom lip quivers, his eyes well up, and suddenly tears are streaming down his face. Calum and Ashton look confused and pat him cautiously on the back. I step closer, knowing he's given in at last.

Then, Michael Clifford, one of my best friends, is violently sick. All over me.

"Mikey, sit down, Bub. C'mon..." Calum helps Michael sit down on the floor, but they only get halfway down before Mikey pukes all over my shoes.

"I'm so sorry Luke! I'm so so sorry!" Michael sobs.

After lots of reassuring, nursing, medicine, buckets and water, Michael was finally back on his feet, 2 days later.

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