Luke Appendicitis- Part 2

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This is in the same sort of narrative writing style as the first part. If you want to request something, leave it in the comments or use contact me some other way. xx

Luke Hemmings was lying in a hospital bed, waiting for surgery. Luke Hemmings was nervous and sweaty; his whole body slightly numb from the pain killers the kind nurse gave him. She was a really kind nurse. She told Luke that her name was Mrs Night, and that he was going to be okay. Luke Hemmings wasn't sure if he believed the second part, because he didn't feel at all okay. He wanted his mum. That's just the way Luke Hemmings is.

In a chair next to Luke was Ashton. Ashton was sweaty too, like, really sweaty. That's one of the things drumming does to a man or woman. It makes them incredibly sweaty. Michael rubbed Luke's hand (the one without the IV in it) as he sat on the edge of the bed, smiling falsely at Luke's blank expression. Calum stood on the other side of a huge glass windows that took up the most part of a wall, waving and giving supportive thumbs ups. Only being allowed two visitors sucked, but Calum hated hospitals so maybe it was better that he was away from the continuously constant beep of the heart monitor.

"You okay, buddy?" Ashton pats Luke on his sore shoulder. Poor Luke shook his head. "You feel sick?" Luke nodded. "Again?" Luke nodded shyly and his cheeks reddened, a hot tear sliding down one of them, leaving behind a pink mark.

Michael silently reached for one of the crappy cardboard sick bowls stacked uniformly on the bedside table next to the kidney dish. Ashton helped Luke sit up; he wasn't strong enough on his own. Extending his arms to hold the bowl thing underneath Luke's shaky chin, Mike grimaced at the thought of Luke throwing up again.

As Luke was being sick, Ashton patted his arm and slipped outside the room. He leaned against the glass window with Calum, tapping his shoulder to grab his attention. Calum continued to stare blankly at the wall on the other side of the glass inside Luke's room.

"Poor dude," he sighed. "Has anyone called Liz yet?" Ashton shook his head solemnly. Calum brought his phone out from his pocket and started tapping the illuminated screen. "This is gonna cost me a fortune!" He chuckled lightly.

After a few rings, Liz picked up. Ashton could hear her speaking on the other end.

"Calum? What on earth? It's 3 AM!" She wasn't happy.

"Sorry Liz... It's just, Luke's in hospital and we thought we should let you know."

"What?! What happened?"

"H-he threw up on stage and then someone called an ambulance 'cause there was blood and then... I don't know... I just thought we should tell you!" Calum was shaking and tears were beginning to form in his eyes.

"Oh, honey! Don't panic, I'm sure he'll be okay... Thank you for telling me," Liz tries to soothe Calum as he bursts into tears. "Calm down! It's alright Calum..."

Ash puts his arm around Cal and takes the phone from his trembling hands. Liz talks to him for a few minutes about Luke's situation, until Calum's tears can be heard by Andrew, who woke up at the strangled sound. Cal takes his phone and puts it back in his pocket.
The two stare into the room through the glass at Luke dressed in his hospital gown, laid in his hospital bed, in the middle of his hospital room. They saw Michael looking down in disgust at the fluid in the 'bowl'. Luke snored and then hiccuped himself awake; Mike soothed him with soft words until he fell asleep.


*1 day later bc I'm still lazy af*

Calum and Ashton supported Luke as they carried him back to the bus. His stitches were red and sore after his operation but he was doing okay. Mrs Night really hadn't lied to him. When the two laid him in his bunk, he was already sleeping soundly, a bucket, some tissues and a bottle of water were on the floor beside him, just in case there were any accidents or mishaps.

The other boys looked down at him with their hands on their hips, sighing contentedly.

"He did it, lads," Calum crossed his arms and smiled like a proud father.

"Yeah, he sure did!" Ashton spoke with a fake Mickey Mouse accent and did a little dance.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now let's get some pizza! I'm fuckin' starving!" Michael huffed. And so, with that, the boys trailed off to the front of the bus to order in pizza. They were too predictable for their own good, that's for sure.

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