Starbucks -Michael

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This is a request for chantelxclifford . I hope you guys like it.

3rd Person:

Michael had been working at Starbucks for two days now, and it wasn't as bad as he had expected it to be. So when he woke up that morning, he was not pleased about the fact that his stomach wasn't staying still. Nobody would be, but Michael was especially cross about this because he couldn't miss his third day. That would be too unprofessional and wimpy. Michael is certainly not a wimp.

He checked his phone, replying to a text from Ashton that the boys would be dropping by to get a drink at about one-ish, so he should make sure he serves them. The thought of coffee made him feel worse. This was going to be a hellish day. Michael got out of bed and put on his uniform in total silence. Usually he would hum the tune of some song, maybe one of the boys' own songs, but today his head hurt too much for even his own band's incredible riffs and fitting lyrics to sound good. He definitely did not feel good.

Arriving at work on an empty stomach, Michael threw on his green apron, readjusted his name badge and served the first few early bird customers. Geez, Michael thought, these people are keen. It's only 9AM.

Someone ordered an extra strong coffee, and as Mikey was making it, the smell overwhelmed him, and he felt the urge to vomit. He would have spilled his guts right there in the middle of the tiny kitchen, with all four customers and three co-workers watching, but he thought he could keep it down. He served the person their coffee whilst swallowing hard, attempting to keep yesterday's pizza inside his stomach.

For hours, Michael worked behind the counter. He mixed drinks, adorned them with whipped cream, wrote names and struggled to fit the plastic caps on the top. Michael was making a drink for someone called 'Lord Voldemort', when he felt his stomach flip. It was different to the other times... Fuck, he thought. I'm gonna be sick.

"Hold this," Mike thrusted Lord Voldemort's drink at his co-worker, Chantel and ran to the bathroom. He pushed open the first stall door he found, without bothering to check the sexist stick figure on the door. He leaned forward and rested his arms on the wall behind the toilet, eyeing the ceramic bowl with hate. Gripping at the  walls either side of him, Michael slowly knelt down, as to not disturb the storm inside of him any more than he had to; he burped and coughed a little bit of stomach acid up.

Michael gagged for a few times. When he eventually threw up, his whole body shook and tears streamed down his face. After flushing the toilet, Mike rested his face on the toilet seat, trying to find some sweet relief from the ache that had developed at the top of his shoulder.

Mike woke up later to the sound of his name being called, with his head stuck to the toilet seat and a horrible stench invading his head.

"Michael?" He heard a female voice on the other side of the cubicle door. It was his coworker, Chantel. "Michael, are you in there?" Michael grumbled in response.

"W-why are you in here?" He coughed and reached up, about to flush the toilet, which still had some sticky yellow residue left in it.

"You're in the girls' bathroom, silly," she giggles. The arm dropped.

"O-oh... Oops?" Mike laughed weakly, rubbing his face with a flat palm.

"Open up," she sets her hand on the door. "They need you out there. Just to man the counter, it's almost one o'clock," And with that she left, the heels of her shoes clicking on the Linoleum floor. Michael forced himself to pull everything together and exit the bathroom. It's almost one. The boys'll be here soon.


As he tapped in orders and accepted money, Mikey began to feel even worse. Well, he did for a bit. That was when the bell tinkled again and he heard Calum's laugh. Michael looked up. The feeling returned in all its glory.

"Fuck you, Ash! I'm not fucking Asian! You- Mike!" Calum waved excitedly, but then his eyes focussed properly on Michael as the rest of the band made their way further into the coffee shop. His face dropped.

"Dude, you look bad," Luke said bluntly.

"Gee, thanks Lucas!" Michael rolled his eyes and tried to be sarcastic, attempting to joke playfully with the lads. It wasn't long before he felt the all too familiar feeling rising in his stomach. Running from the counter and to a rubbish bin in the back, Mikey gagged into his hand, throwing up a little.  Upon reaching the bin, he promptly threw up, over and over.
His throat was burning, his eyes were watering, and he couldn't tell which way was up or which way was down. For all Michael knew, he could have been in outer space.

It felt like an age before Michael recognised the calming feeling of a large hand on his back, rubbing slow circles.

"A-ash? How di- how did you get-"

"Jumped over the counter mate!"

Michael nodded and straightened up, heading back to the front to serve someone else. "So you're just gonna go back to work after that?!"Ashton sounded furious, and Michael couldn't work out why for the life of him.

"Uh, yeah?" Michael was unsure. He was debating going home, but was it really worth the possibility of getting fired without his first pay check? No.

"Sure?" Calum was leaning on the counter while Luke look sympathetic and smiled softly.

"Uhhh... As long as I don't get fired..." Mike gulped. Then he nodded. And with that, Luke led the four from the café, leaving Michael's apron in the hands of Chantel, who waved as they left.

"Get better soon Michael!"

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