Not Ash Too...

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A/N: this was kinda obvious, but who cares? A lot of requests will probably eventually turn into things like this, a little series. That's all for now x

Anne-Marie Irwin's POV:

Ashton got home from Calum's house at around half five. I was expecting him a bit later to be honest, I thought he'd stop by at one of his other friend's houses or get pizza with Mike and Luke on the way back.
Obviously not.
I hadn't seen him this morning, he was asleep until nine then by the time he was up I was gardening in the back yard. He called out to me he was leaving for Cal's and wouldn't be back till late, so I didn't worry. Seeing as I was expecting him later than this, I'd put Harry to bed and left Lauren downstairs watching Hercules while I had a long, hot bath.
I heard the front door open, shut and get locked then rushed footsteps up the stairs. The bathroom door burst open unexpectedly and I jumped, water sloshing out over the edge of the tub and onto the floor. Ashton sped across the small room and fell to his knees in front of the toilet. He started retching and heaving like there was no tomorrow, so I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself hurriedly.
" Mum!" Ashton sobbed. "Mum I don't like it!" Tears rolled down his red cheeks so I leaned over to open the window, letting some of the steam from the bath out so I could see him properly. My poor baby boy.

Ashton's POV:
"Mum! Mum I don't like it!" I was crying hard, which probably wasn't helping, and I knew I sounded like a baby. If I was going to be completely honest, I felt like one too. Then I felt it all rushing up my throat, and I was sick over and over again into the ceramic bowl.
I choked on a loud sob, then I heard a small voice at the door.
"Mum? What's happening? What's going on?" Harry asked worriedly.
"Nothing sweetie, Ashy's just a bit poorly. Go back to bed, honey."
"B-but I can't sleep if Ashy's poorly," he sounded so upset it broke my heart.
"Go watch Hercules with Lauren then, I'm sure she won't mind."
Hercules? I love that movie, damn. I'm stuck up here throwing my guts up whilst my siblings get to watch MY favourite movie. Life sucks sometimes.
"Jealous much?" Mum asks me when Harry has trotted off, humming the tine of 'Zero To Hero'.
What? I did I say that out loud?
"Yes, sweetie. You said both of those aloud. I think you're a bit delirious, hun. Not thinking straight."
I open my mouth to reply and accidentally let out a sick, wet burp. By now I'm facing away from the toilet. There was no pint flushing away the ex-contents of my stomach, it would just waste water and power, but staring into them made my tummy flip.
"Ash, turn around. You're going to be sick," I well up again just at the thought of vomiting again, it's one of my worst fears. I just cry so hard I end up screaming and rather than turning me towards the toilet, Mum hugs me tight. 
Unfortunately for her, I'm sick down her back at least six times, probably more, and I'm shaking, screaming and gagging all at the same time.

You're 17 Ash, pull it together. You can do this, you're supposed to be the man of the house.

I sit back a little and wriggle a bit. This gives Mum the freedom to remove her soggy, soiled towel and wipe her shoulders with it. I blush furiously, and she slowly removes my dirty clothing until I'm sat in just my batman boxers. I have no strength to stand, so after donning her dressing gown she picks me up and lets me rest in my bed, and I fall asleep within 30 seconds of the lights being turned out.

A/N: that was weird... Idk do you guys want me to do Mikey or not? Keep requesting! Minty x

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