Home Alone With Ben And Jack

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A/N: thanks to lukes_milkshakes for this request! Also, please go check out Iknowathingortwo and have a look at her Luke Hemmings fanfic 'Real'! Thanks so much if you do! English isn't her language and she's doing really well. Go show her some support, I'd be really happy if you did! xx
P.S. This is Fetus btw

Luke's POV:

Mum and Dad were away this weekend, visiting a friend in Melbourne, so I was home alone with Ben and Jack, my older brothers. It was Friday evening and our parents had been gone since this morning.

I was sat on the sofa, having just finished my food, debating wether or not I should go and record the cover I'd been meaning to do for a while now. I was still in my uniform and I couldn't be bothered to get changed, so I decided against it.

Ben and Jack waltzed into the living room like they owned the place, and smirked at me as if I was doing something they could make fun of me for; which I was. I was being younger than them. I groaned in annoyance and grabbed my phone off of the coffee table, turning away from their teasing expressions.

My phone lit up as I received a notification that someone had texted me, so I used that as an excuse to ignore the gigantic assholes that had entered the room. This guy Calum in my year wanted to know if I wanted to sing with him and that Michael dude I hate at 'Live at Norwest' this year. I said yes, only because I didn't want to sing in my own again. Apparently this Michael plays guitar, if he's half decent at it we might be able to get along.

Probably not.

My stomach started hurting me a bit so I put my hand under my shirt and tried to rub it a little, but a painfully cramp hit me like a ton of bricks. I squeezed my eyes shut and whimpered a little as I was attacked by more pains.

"Aw, does little Lukey have his period? Are you getting bad cramps, sweetie?" Ben noticed my discomfort. Jack grinned evilly and my two brothers high fived in triumph. I felt sick now, and my head hurt.

"Do you want some of Mum's medicine? I know where she keeps it," Jack added sarcastically, making his way towards me and placing a hand on my shoulder.

I felt so gross, I thought I was about to be sick there and then. Where did this come from?

"S-stop! Ugh, I feel like crap," I murmured.

"What?" Ben seems to find it confusing that I don't feel well.

"I said, I feel like crap!" I was starting to get cross now. I desperately tried to calm the storm inside my stomach, but my massaging wasn't helping.

"What's the matter?" Jack asked me. I think he was actually being serious now.

"Seriously bro? You seriously think he feels bad?" Ben rolled his eyes as I shut mine again in attempt to bear the pain.

"Yeah, I mean look at him. Luke can't act that well. Remember the time he cut his finger on a guitar string and he tried to pretend it was okay but it was really bad and it got infected and everyone knew and Mum dragged him to the hospital but he said it was fine even though it was green and then they had to ope-"

"I get it, Jack. Yeah, I guess you're right; he does look kinda pale," Ben seemed to be softening a little.

"Uhhhhhhhhh... Ohhhhhh no..." I moaned and groaned as my stomach twisted inside of me. It took all the willpower I had to not gag.

"Luke? You okay?" Jack rubbed my back.

"Feel sick," I whispered.

"Ben go get a bowl. That big one Mum never uses," Jack looks quite concerned now, and I look up at him from my seat, fear in my eyes. He knows I hate being sick. It's disgusting.

I can tell Ben still isn't convinced, but he huffs and leaves to get the bowl anyway.

"He's stubborn, right?" My brother chuckles, and I try to laugh back but instead I gag.


I start sweating and I can feel bile rising in my throat.

"Uhhhh... Jack... I don't feel good," my voice was barely above a whisper.

Ben walks back in the room and passes the bowl to Jack. I yank it from my brother's hands and start dry-heaving over it.

"You weren't joking, were you?" Ben grimaces as I shake. Finally, I throw up.

"Shit, c'mere," I feel Jack's arms try wrap around me, but I pull away so I can puke into the bowl again.

"You done, bub?" Ben sits next to me, while Jack perches on the arm of the chair. I shake my head no and a single tears falls down my face.

"Aw, can you make it to the toilet?" I nod a bit, so my brothers help me stand and guide me into the cramped downstairs bathroom. I fall to my knees in front of the toilet, still shaking.

"I don't think you've got anything left to bring up..." Jack tries to calm me down as I dry heave over the ceramic bowl.

Finally accepting defeat, I flop backwards onto Ben, who had been holding my fringe back.

"Let's get you to bed, hey?" Ben picks me up and carried me to my bedroom bridal style. Just as they're about to leave, I stretch out my arms and make grabby hands for them.


"Goddamn it Luke you're too freaking cute!" Jack climbs into bed, wrapping his strong arms around me. Ben grabs my guitar from the corner of the room and starts strumming as he joins us in my tiny bed.

I slowly start to drift off, Ben's playing gradually fading.

"Night penguin," someone kisses my head and my older brothers leave my room.
Sure, they can be annoying as fuck, but I love them really

A/N: this was short. Very short. Oops. Well, at least I tried. Thanks for voting/reading! Ily my little spearmints!!


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