Fetus 5sos

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Dedicated to lukes_milkshakes

Sorry about the slow updates... Oops 😁
I decided to add their mums into this one bc I think it's cute. xx

Liz's POV:

We had been stuck at the Irwin household for a whole day now, we were just visiting to listen to some new music the boys had to play us. The boys played a few songs while Joy, Anne, Karen and I sat there looking supportive when they messed up the chords or hits of the drums. But then, it started snowing. Really, really heavily. The snow piled up until we couldn't open the front door more than a few inches and the windows were frozen shut.

The boys were in the middle of 'Too Late', for the third time, when suddenly, Ashton stopped drumming and let his sticks clatter against the hard wood floor. Anne's eyes widened and she sat up straighter, poised like a tiger about to pounce. Ash gulped and he looked worried.

"M-mum?" He stood up slowly and put his hand on the cymbals to keep himself upright. By now, everyone was just as frozen as the air outside, anticipating what would happen next.
Anne moved swiftly over to her eldest son and leaned on the front of the drum kit, placing a hand on Ashton's shoulder. "Mum, I feel sick."

The air is still for a second. None of us have ever seen or heard of Ashton being sick, it just doesn't happen. There was a time around 3 months ago when Harry, Lauren and Anne all caught a cold, but Ashton was fine. There was a nasty flu bug at his school, I was teaching there and caught it, but every single day, Ashton would sit in his seat, smiling, laughing and working as if there weren't people throwing up and having coughing fits either side of him.  It's been established that Ashton rarely gets sick.

So now, as he stands, groaning quietly behind the drum kit, all of us are concerned. If Ash had managed to catch this bug, then only God knows how bad it'll be if the rest of us catch it. We could be stuck in this house for days of the snow gets any worse.

"You want some water, hunny?"

Ashton nods a tiny bit, his lips are parted and he brings one hand to his stomach.

"Could someone bring in a glass of water? Quickly," Karen stands up and hurries out of the room to get some water. Anne tucks her son's fringe behind his ear and he gulps loudly. Nobody moves for a second. Ash gags harshly while Karen rushes back in with a full glass; Anne takes the water and finds a flat surface to place it on.

Making a wet coughing noise crossed with a gag and a belch, Ashton leans over a tiny bit. Luke squeezes his eyes shut and sticks his fingers in his ears because he knows what's coming, Michael steps back and stumbles into the sofa Joy and I are sat on while Calum desperately tried to keep the glass of water balanced on the insanely wobbly coaster.

Cupping her slightly shaking hands slightly in front of Ashton's quivering chin, Anne looks back over her shoulder at us, concern clear in her blue eyes. Every mother knows the feeling of having to put their hands underneath their child's chin to catch an potential vomit before it hits the floor, or at least I do. This is why I always take my wedding and engagement rings off and soon as any of my boys start showing symptoms of a stomach bug. Better safe than sorry.

It all happens quickly. Before anyone can respond to the pleading mother, Ash is being violently sick all over himself, Anne, his drum kit and the floor. The retching is relentless for five minutes straight, which sends Luke burrowing into my side in attempt to block the noise out.

Joy has rushed off to the kitchen with Karen, while Michael and Calum stare hopelessly at each other from opposite sides of the room. When Karen and Joy return, they have a lot of kitchen roll and sanitiser in a clear bin bag along with a carrier bag, the type of cheap ones you get in supermarkets. I presume one of the two is for soiled clothing.

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