Mikey's Plum Pyjamas

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A/N: I decided to do Mikey for the last of part of 'Luke Sick'.

Michael's POV:

I woke up around 10 AM feeling a bit off. Oh god, I hope I haven't caught Luke's bug.

I turn over and check my phone, seeing a few notifications from a group chat. I think it's just the band one... Meh, I might as well check it.

Luke: if calums better can we all meet up today

Calum: yea I'm fine but ash might be working idk tbh

Luke: it's been half an hour, where is he?

Ash: I'm really sorry guys, I was up all night

Calum: did you get laid????

Luke: ummmm that's a weird question

Ash: I was up all night

Calum: yea we know

Ash: puking my freaking guts up

L: that sucks balls


Ash: I'm a guy

Calum: pfft

Aw, poor guy. When Ash gets sick he always gets it really bad, he might not be up for practice later. At this rate, I won't be either.

Michael: hey guys

Luke: you up for practice later, there's not a lot of point if Ashton can't make it

Ash: I'll be fine luke stop worrying

Michael: come over to mine?

Calum: I'm omw already

Luke: I'll be there in a few minutes

Ash: I'll come over if mum lets me leave bc apparently I "look far too pale"

Satisfied with my arrangements, I lie in bed in my plum-coloured guitar pick pyjamas. My stomach turns and my head throbs painfully.

F*ck, I'm going to be sick.

I lean over my bed and pull a bin (trash can) under my face and puke into it.

Ew, that's disgusting.

I go to the kitchen and wash the bin out, noticing an extra scrap of paper on the fridge. It says:

Dad and I have gone out to work. It's an emergency and couldn't wait so we left as soon as we could. We didn't wake you up because you looked tired.
Love you so much sweetie
Mum x

So that's why I couldn't hear mum pottering around. Oh well, it means I can go in the living room with the boys when they're here.

I hear a knock on the door, and the sudden noise makes me lean over the sink and spit up a little. I must be really sick if that's happening.

When I open the door Calum and Luke greet me, pizza box in hand.

"Ash just texted me to say his mum only just let him out, he had to get Lauren to put Anne Marie's make up on him so he didn't look as bad," Calum giggles.

"Lol, that's funny," I attempt to sound normal, but fail miserably.

"You okay Mike? Wait- are you still in your pyjamas? You're sick, aren't you?" Luke panics. He knows that the bug started with him so he's gonna feel bad that me, Cal AND Ashton have caught it.

"I threw up, yeah I'm sick," I think Luke's crying. "Don't worry mate, it's not your fault I'm sick... ash, man, don't cry that hard..."

He's literally screaming, he's mortified.

I hear footsteps and Calum peers round.

"Ashton! Hallelujah! We need you to hug Luke!"

"Whaaaaa-" Ashton sneezes and then giggles."Why do I need to cuddle him?"

"He's sad 'cause he got us all sick."


*Time skip half an hour, Luke stopped crying, Mikey threw up once, and now they're eating pizza watching Hercules.*

Ashton's POV:

"Why are we watching this movie again?" Michael whispers

"Because yesterday I got home and my little brother and sister were watching it while I died upstairs, that's why." I state firmly.

"Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a twist Ash," Calum looks at me strangely. I'm really cold and Michael's on my lap, I can feel he is too.

"Is it just me or is it really, really cold in here," Michael speaks my thoughts. Michael is me, I am Michael, we are one.

Luke and Calum shake their heads, seeming confused.

"I'm cold too," I shiver helplessly.

"I-I-I'm going to b-be s-s-sick," Michael's eyes widen. He's facing my crotch, because apparently it was "comfier" with out my d*ck in the back of his neck.

Michael is sick al over my pants, and I feel some of the liquid sinks through my sweats into my boxers. Now I'm gonna have to shower. Great.

Luke and Calum lift Michael away and he looks really embarrassed as I try not to let my legs come apart and let the vomit touch the sofa.

Poor guy, I bet he feels really sick.

"I feel a ton better, actually. Forgive me for puking on a your junk."

"Why do I keep doing this? I keep thinking stuff then actually saying it on accident!"

Then I look at Michael. He's still in his his pyjamas, as he didn't puke on them, and I notice something strange about my pants.

They're gone, sweats and boxers.

And I'm lying down.

In my living room.

At my house.

With my mum sat opposite me, next to the boys.

"You're confused, aren't you sweetheart?" Mum asks me and I nod. I'm so utterly confused that I cry.

"You passed out, Ash. We brought you back here and we were just trying to get some new pants on you when you woke up," Luke helpfully explains.

I take one last glimpse of my Mum's concerned face and black out entirely.

A/N: that was super weird. Don't even ask what goes on in my brain. I needed to update though so... I did this in a rush. Remember to keep commenting, requesting and voting!

Thank you my little Spermints!!!

Minty xx

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