Migraine Part 2- Luke- ☃️

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With added boyxboy bc "It's All Lies" gives me feelings.
Christmas theme because I had no more Christmas requests left.

UPDATE: this is the last part of this story, if you made it to the end then woo hoo!

Luke's POV:

23rd December:

Warm solidity kept me safe in bed- my body was at a perfect temperature- and my hand was intertwined with Ashton's. One of his legs was tangled with both of mine; our bodies fit together under a patched duvet cover. Just one thing was wrong: bullets fired around my brain, causing an unrelenting ache. I groaned and pulled away from Ash.

"Mmpfff..." Ash woke. What's going on?

"Ahg- mph," I reply. Something's wrong.

"Huh?" His arm reaches back over my torso, rubbing my tummy and then pushing further down and tucking his hand under my side, above the mattress. His stomach presses against my back.

"Mumph," I sighed. Migraine.

"Awww, baby!" He cooed.

"Shh..." I whispered.

"Hmph," sorry.

Then it was silent, and I let Ashton hold me for a while.


An hour or so later, I awoke with a limitless pain in my temples and deep within my head. Ashton's strong arms are still wrapped around me- he hadn't moved- but I could tell by his breathing pattern that he hadn't been asleep. He must have noticed me wake by my contorting face and low whimpers because he began to make small shushing sounds and rub small circles on my upper back with the arm that wasn't holding me.

"I'm gonna call Cal and Mike," he whispered, beginning to turn and free his arm. I reached slowly behind me and took a weak hold of his sweatshirt. "Not going anywhere, boo," his lips brushed my cheek and he nuzzled my hairline. I felt him reach for, grab and unlock his phone, dialling and waiting as it rang. I let out a quiet moan at the harsh ringing noise. He patted my shoulder.

"Hello, Clifford-Hood residence!"

Calum's cheery voice was like a knife into my brain. The tears began to brim at my eyes, but holding them back only hurt me more; I let myself cry without shame, but I felt pathetic. Ash quickly quietened Calum.

"Luke's got a migraine, I was wondering if you'd be able to pop over and help us out-it is Christmas after all."

"Yeah, sure," Calum's voice was now calm and sympathetic on the other end of the phone. "We'll be over soon."

Ash thanked him and hung up.


A few minutes later, I heard the front door unlocking as I was laying alone in bed, having just taken some pills and had Ash stick some strange cool gel pack to my forehead- as weird as I looked and felt, it was helping, so I wasn't complaining.

Light footsteps approach the room, the door is opened and I hear brushing air as two more bodies enter the room. My eyes are squeezed shut with crippling pain and I'm having to cling onto a pillow now, since Ash got up, washed and dressed. The bed feels cold and barren with out him.

"Hey," Michael's voice fits delicately into my ears like freshly washed, straightened and oiled hair into a comb; his soft hand touches my cheek like new silk, the hardened, rough tips of his fingers wear years of guitar practice on their sleeves. "How are you?" I groan in reply, and a sickly mass catches in the back of my throat. "I see, where's Ashton?"

I huff to regulate my breathing and weakly raise a hand, pointing to the closed bathroom door. His hand leaves my face- the cool touch had been a small relief. Shuffles and quiet steps to the corner of the room indicate that Michael has gone to sit down where he won't disturb me, but to be left alone is not what I want.

Calum pats me carefully on the shoulder and then joins Michael.

The bathroom door clicks and out comes Ashton, with a fresh cotton scent so beautifully overwhelming that I turn and crack my eyes open. He sits back on the bed, eyes sympathetic and warm like coffee on a winter Sunday afternoon. His fingertips lightly close my lids, and then there is a kiss on my baby cheek. 

"We'll be here when you wake up," he coos. And, he was right- they were.

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