Why Won't You Believe Me?- Michael

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Request for @Vianca_Clifford


Michael's POV:

"I can't believe you would do that!" Luke thrusts his flat palm at me out of frustration.

"We were waiting for the right time to release that. We thought we could trust you, Michael," Ashton shakes his head and looks at the floor, arms crossed.

"Guys, I did-"

"We worked so hard on that track! How could you!" Calum has tears in his eyes.

"I didn't leak the music!" My own eyes are brimming with tears.

"The rest of the world says differently. Go to your bunk, Michael. We don't want to talk to you right now," Ashton pints solemnly at the bunks.

"You're not my dad, Ash!" A single tear falls down my cheek. I didn't do it.

""DON'T 'ASH' ME!" He roars, head alight with the flames of his fury. I look worriedly at Luke and Cal, who stand with their arms crossed looking equally as infuriated  as Ashton. With one last sweep of the room with my eyes, which are sore from my earlier tears, I leave, arms hugging my sore body.

I collapse into my bunk and slowly cry myself to sleep, occasional waves of pain washing through my aching body. I hear the others talking in low, grim voices; they ask questions and contemplate their options, sighing in dispair.

"He's done it once, he can do it again," Cal whispers as he passes my bunk.

"I just hope he doesn't. That really upset me," I can practically her Luke's pout.

"We'll discuss it in the morning," Ashton sighs again. "Night, Luke, night, Cal."

When I think all the others have gone to sleep, soft footprints pad over to my bunk and a voice whispers to me.

"Night Michael."


*the next morning*

Michael's POV:
I woke up feeling horrible. I'm not sure if the aftermath of last night's argument added to the sensation, but it didn't really matter. My poor head spun and I was dizzy, even though I was still lying down. My throat was dry and I was dehydrated after crying so much last night.

"Wake up Michael," Ashton yanks back the curtain of my bunk as he passes; the cold air hits me like a brick. I roll out of the bunk, knowing he'll just yell more if I don't make any progress. Shivering my way into the area where we argued last night, I see Luke and Calum perched on the counter, Ashton leaning against it with a cup of tea in his hands. He stands up straight when he sees I've entered the room.

"I don't feel good," I whine stupidly, as my head begins to ache and suddenly my limbs are awfully heavy. My head spins and throws everything out of kilter, the boys' bodies blurring into one solid chunk of black and the counter melting into the wall behind them. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

"You really think you can fool us, Mikey?" Ashton slams his mug down on the table. "Really?"

"No, no. I'm not lying..." Everything inside me crawls."I'm gonna puke," I grab the wall, my knees bending involuntarily, features inevitably paling even further.

"Give up, Mike," Calum jumps off the counter and pushes past me roughly, followed by my other band members. I stumble over to the sink and gag quietly over it, not wanting to make the situation any worse. After a few minutes of repetitive retching, I give up and go get changed in the bathroom.

I can't believe them, I thought they were my friends.

*4 hours later bc I'm lazy as fuck*

I haven't spoken to any of the boys in hours. I have, however, been violently sick once and contracted a headache, fever and started sweating profusely. None of them thought to ask me if I was okay, none of them cared. I didn't do anything and I so desperately want them to love me again.

We all sit in the back room whilst on the way to a new city. Luke and Calum are playing FIFA and yelling in frustration, which irritates me. Ashton is typing angrily until he stops and throws his phone forcefully down onto the clear patch of sofa between me and him.

"Michael!" He's not looking at me, he has his arms crossed and is staring directly forward with fury running through his veins. If he's already raising his voice then this can't be good. "Mangement  says you talked to your guitar tech about feeling sick earlier at the last stop. Why? You're fine!"

That's right, I did talk to my guitar tech (Rob) because he asked if I was okay. I was not okay. When he tried talking to me I got all worked up and seeing as the boys were doing such a good job of ignoring me, it wasn't hard for him to slip me away from the food court of the service station into the stinky toilets. I started crying and, soon enough, I was gagging; I threw up and then Rob calmed me down. He swore he wouldn't tell the boys. I guess he didn't think management would.

"I-" I pause abruptly to wipe a tear from one of the bags under my left eye before continuing."I really do feel sick Ashton. Why won't you believe me?"

That was when I broke down again. I cried and cried, eventually hiccuping, which ultimately led to gagging and retching. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pat gently.

"Hey, bud. We're sor-"

"Fuck! I'm gonna thro-" before I can warn him, Calum (the voice I have matched to the arms) is undoubtedly jumping back to avoid the hot spray of vomit that streams from my mouth.

"Mike! C'mere, let it all out," Luke's soft hand caresses my cheek. Calum's arms are back around me. Silence soon falls upon us, but is broken by the sound of Ashton sniffling a bit.
"Ash? You okay?" Luke freezes as Ash's hand trembles and he soaks up his tears with his sleeve. No response. "What is it? The vomit? The heat? Wha-"

"I'm sorry Michael."

"I-it's okay, you were mad."

"But I don't think you leaked the music, I just blamed you because I was so angry that someone did. I'm sorry."

"Really? You're not mad?" I suppress another round of vomit.

"I'm not mad. Forgive me?"

I nod and smile a little, so the rest of the band and I lean in for a group hug. This time, I can't quite keep my food down.

"Ugh! Michael!" Luke pulls away after I've finished using half of his back as a vomit bucket. Ashton checks his own shoulder, grimacing.

"You know what, I'm gonna go get a bucket."

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