It's All Lies

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This is a request for @Parsnips13
Great user btw ;)

I may or may not have edited that plot a teeny bit because I felt sorry for Luke.


Luke's POV:

I didn't really notice it at first. My tummy rumbled a bit before bed last night, but I didn't think anything of it. That pizza place from last night did look kinda dodgy. I sat cross-legged on my bed, texting, while the other boys tried (and failed, might I add) to push the other beds together.

"I give up!" Michael flipped down on the bed he and Calum had been desperately trying to shuffle across the room. "Too much exercise for my weak limbs," he groaned.

"I'll help, I guess," I tossed my phone down on the bed and scrambled to my feet. Bounding over the furniture and straight on top of Michael, that's when I felt it. It sounded like I was just hungry, but I knew I wasn't because I'd just eaten. It was loud and uncomfortable; it made Ashton look up from the corner where he was still trying to push one of the singles across the room with his drummer-strength arms.

"You okay, mate?" Calum put a hand on my shoulder. Michael whined quietly underneath me. Rolling off of him, I lay on my back; then I felt it again. Louder this time, Ashton stood up and waltzed over from his corner, looking concerned. Michael was finally able to breathe again. It felt like someone was vigorously making a cocktail in my stomach, and not one that would taste nice. I pushed myself up into a sitting position.

"Just hungry, probably," I shrugged.

We all burst out laughing. Classic Luke, still hungry after a two course meal. Yeah, that's what I thought too.


I was fine for a few hours. After eventually pushing the beds together, I thought that the others had fallen asleep in particularly glamorous poses that magazines would definitely want to see, and I was still awake. The clock on the wall told me that it was 1 AM by now, 2 hours since the tummy rumbling incident.

Then it came again. Thrice. Louder, scarier and definitely more uncomfortable. I was beginning to feel a bit faint, even though I was lying down.

"L-Luke?" Ashton, who was lying beside me, stirred a little as he whispered to me. I hummed in response. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just hungry," I tried to brush it off, even though I definitely was not hungry. The very thought of food made me feel queasy.

"There's cereal bars on the side by the kettle."

"Thanks, I think I'll wait 'till morning though," I gulped.

"'Kay. Night."

"Night," I replied, shaking a little. I'd be fine in the morning, I just needed a little bit of rest. Right?


Morning came. I was not fine. Even before I opened my eyes I knew I felt sick, faint and had a headache.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Michael padded through the room.

"It's a day off. I was thinking one of us could go to the movie rental place, get a couple and then we could just do nothing all day," Ashton suggested.

"Perfect. Bagsy not waking Luke up, though!" Calum chuckled.

"God, yeah, forgot about that," I could feel Michael's smile radiating through the room.

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