Luke by Ashton

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This is a sequel to 'Ashton by Luke'. I'm Christian and for this fic, I have created a nameless place where those who have passed can look down on us.



Ashton's POV:

"I'm sorry, Lukey..." I wiped a tear from my eye as I looked down on my poor baby crying himself to sleep in Michael's arms. His hair was messy and there were dark bags underneath his eyes. Michael patted his back and looked up at the ceiling before closing his eyes.

We miss you Ash, Michael thought. I wished there was a way I could tell him I missed him too, but there wasn't. All I could do was receive thoughts meant for me.

"M-Michael..." My heart began to melt as I heard his deep voice. The voice that had sung me to sleep the night before I died. I thought it was just bad heartburn and a funny stomach. Hell, I was wrong. "Mikey, I f-feel sick again... Bucket- quick!"

My poor boy had been ill all day; he had a fever and a horrible stomach bug, I felt so sorry for him. He threw up again, and the harsh sound sent Calum running down the hallway, lunging into the room with incredible speed.

"You throwing up again?" Cal sighs.
Luke replies with another round of vomit. He starts crying uncontrollably, shaking and screaming into Michael's shoulder. "What's wrong, hey?" Calum hugs the side that Michael hasn't already cradled.

"I MISS ASHTON! I WANT ASHTON!" He yells, clawing at his neck and shirt in frustration. "I LOVED HIM AND HE LEFT ME! HOW COULD HE?"

"I love you too, Luke," I say aloud. His head picks up and his eyes frantically search the room.

"I swear I heard his voice. It was there..." He points vaguely above his head. "He... He said he l-loved me too..." I can tell that Calum and Michael don't believe him, but they him  quietly as if they do. They held him on our bed with the ring box in his hands until he fell asleep.

Ten years tomorrow...


I went to be in the ash tree above my grave, as the boys were setting up in the garden. They tuned their instruments and began to sing. The music reached my solo, so I sang under my breath. When they had finished, Michael and Calum went inside, crying silently, and I felt horrible for doing this to them.

Luke bent down and took a rope noose from underneath his stool, attaching it to a firm branch as he climbed the tree. Right before he slipped the end over his head, he whispered.

"See you soon Ash."

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