Chapter 13

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Luke's POV:

Calum and Michael were fighting for a while. I have to say that it was actually hilarious! I don't know what Sarah and Cal were talking about but I'm almost sure that it wasn't about Calum's big one... That was probably just Michael's interpretation. And now Calum thought it was time for payback. I just chuckled and continued my conversation with Febe. I was so happy to see her again! And don't ask me where I got the courage but at one point I touched Febe's hand. I was scared first that she was going to look weird at me but she blushed. I thought that was a good sign and intertwined our hands. That was the best feeling I had in a long time! She seemed to enjoy it too.

We were talking about a lot of things. We talked about her little brother for a while but turns out she doesn't like him really much so we switched subject. Then we talked about Sarah and Calum for more than just a while. We both thought Sarah wasn't spending enough time with Calum. So we were also both happy when Michael said Sarah thought Calum had a big one. Just because that meant they were talking...

And now we were talking about me and how my life as a member of a famous band is going. I have to admit that I hoped this subject wouldn't last too long. I do understand that she wants to get to know me better. But I want to know more about her life too...

Michael's POV:

Calum stopped attacking me once we arrived at the park. Finally! Okay... I have to admit that I kinda deserved it.

"I don't see a playground" Ashton said. He was right though... I didn't see one. But the park was a whole lot bigger then I expected.

"We have to walk a bit further" Sarah said. What?!?

"Noooo... Not more walking!" I whined. I just really don't enjoy walking. If I was with a pretty and nice girl I wouldn't mind but Luke got Febe, Calum got Sarah and I was stuck with Ashton...

Sarah's POV:

Michael could be such a baby! What was so bad about walking? This was a nice park!

"Oh just man up" Calum murmured just loud enough for me to hear it. I chuckled and he looked at me, smiling.

We walked in silence until we got to the playground.

"PLAYGROUND!" Ashton yelled as he ran to the slides. So did Michael and Luke. Calum looked at me, smiled, and ran away. He ran to this swing slide thingy where you have to jump on the swing and then it slides all the way to the other side. I chuckled at the boy's childly behaviour.

"C'mon Sarah! You have to try this!" I hesitated for a while but ran over to him eventually.

"I'll push you" he says. I took a seat on the swing with the circle formed seat between my legs "ready?" I nod and he pulls the swing towards him "one, two, three..." Instead of just pushing me, he jumped on the swing and sat on my lap. I screamed.

"Calum!" I started laughing. I couldn't help but notice his muscles as he tried his best not to actually sit on my lap. He probably thought he was too heavy for that? But damn these muscles...

I snapped back to reality when the swing reached the other side and I fell to the ground, Calum falling on top of me. Ouch... He started laughing but then the swing hit his head and he rolled off of me, crying in pain. I started laughing uncontrollably.

"Ah! Damn it!" He held his head while rolling in the sand "what are you laughing at?"

"You're covered in sand..." I said, wiping my tears. He took a hand full of sand and threw it at me. Oh no he didn't!

"Oh it's on!" I said throwing sand back at him. He ran away and I ran after him. When I got close enough, I jumped on his back. But he wasn't prepared and we both fell in the sand. We laughed so hard!

"Hey lovebirds!" Ashton yells at us "we don't want babies yet so do it safe!"


hey guys! I noticed that some people are actually reading this story... so I wanted to say thank you!! And if you like it please comment/vote/share or all of the above ;)

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