Chapter 41

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Calum's POV:

I know that look on Mali's face. The one she gave me a few seconds ago, right before she walked away to the others. She's telling me not to come with them.

She wants me to make a move.

"Sarah?" Turning my head to look at her, she looks straight into my eyes. Her beautiful green-brownish eyes stare hopefully into mine. I have to do it now. After all these months I should really do it. "Will you go on a date with me?" Her lips curl up into a beautiful, wide smile, letting me know that the answer is definitely not no. Stepping closer to me, she swings her arms around my shoulders, clasping her hands together behind my neck.

"I would love to." She says before placing her soft lips on mine. I softly push her away with one hand on her chest, already smiling for what I'm about to say.

"I don't kiss on first dates." Her eyes widen and her mouth drops, she clearly didn't see that one coming. I chuckle and push her chin up with one finger to close her mouth. She slaps my hand away before putting one finger on my chest.

"Okay." She says. "If you want to play it that way, let's see who will win this game." A grin forms on her lips, making amusement radiate off of her.

"I bet I will." I say casually, making her rise one eyebrow. I love it when she does that.

"What are we betting for?" She's so full of confidence right now. It's a side of Sarah that I don't see that often, usually just when we're alone. When other people are around, she's mostly shy and not very talkative, but when she's just with me or with the boys, her sassy side always starts to show and honestly, I love it.

"If I win, you bring me breakfast on bed tomorrow."

"And if I win?" She asks, curious of what the other side of the bet will be. I think for a moment, tapping a finger on my chin.

"If you win, you get to see me naked."

"What makes you think I would want that?" She asks, smirking.

"Okay, well have fun sleeping on the couch tonight." I say, turning around and starting to walk away. She grabs my hand quickly, making me turn around again.

"If I win, you have to strip down to your boxers for me." Well I wasn't expecting that.

"Deal." We both smirk, she probably while thinking I hate that bet, and me while thinking I wouldn't actually mind doing that. I'm gonna try to win anyway. "So" I say after a minute of silence. "Where to?"

"Well, you asked me on a date so you decide." Damn it. I didn't think about that. What could we do here? We could go in the rollercoaster, but that's where the others are too so that would kind of ruin the idea of a date. We could go up the ferris wheel, but for some reason I feel like that's something to end a date with. I could be all cheesy and win a giant teddy bear for her. Teddy bear. I still have her teddy bear in my closet. "Why are you smiling like that?" Her voice suddenly snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Oh-uh, nothing." I lie. "Are you hungry?" Great way of changing the subject, dude! Really, smooth. The look on her face tells me she's thinking the same thing.

Her feet dangle as we sit at the end of the pier, watching the sea. The moonlight reflecting on the water gives her eyes a glimmer as she watches it. She sips at her drink from time to time, which she's holding in one hand while her other hand is holding mine.

"Sure you don't want to go into the ferris wheel?" I ask, making her smile again. I don't get why she doesn't want to go in there. It must've been the fifth time that I asked but I just really want to see the view.

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