Chapter 22

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Sarah's POV:

I wake up to an earthquake inside my belly. Man, am I hungry! I try to get out of bed but I'm held back by an arm that's wrapped around my waist. I look behind me to see a sleeping Calum snuggled up against me. He looks so peaceful and happy. It makes me question wether or not I should get up and risk waking him up. I would probably interrupt his joyous dreams.

Another earthquake takes place and I decide to just get up. If I don't try to get out of bed without waking him up, I'll end up waking him with my hungry belly. Might as well make myself useful by cooking some breakfast for everyone. And by cooking I mean calling room service. Let's just say I've never cooked an egg before, let alone bacon.

I wiggle myself out of Calum's grip and place a pillow underneath his arm as a replacement of my body. He doesn't seem to notice it yet. Part one of the plan succeeded.
I then slowly tiptoe to the door and open it as quietly as possible. A cold breeze greets me as I take on step out of the room which makes me go back into the room to fetch something warm. The only thing I was wearing yesterday to keep me warm was a jeans jacket. Not quite suitable on top of an oversized shirt if you ask me. I tiptoe to the big closet standing against the wall and open it. My eyes search all the clothes, looking for something warmer. A green checkered flannel shirt grabs my attention. That would suit on a Green Day shirt, wouldn't it? I grab it and quickly put it on. It's even larger than the T-shirt that I'm wearing! The scent of Calum fills my nostrils as I sniff the shirt's sleeves. It's very warm so keep it on as I turn back to the now half open door and quickly tiptoe out of the room, gently closing the door behind me.

To my surprise Febe was already awake and cooking breakfast. Looks like I won't have to spend their money on room service then. I look at her, standing there with the shirt that I put on her last night. Her head shoots up and she smiles after examining my clothing.

"Good morning" I say to her with a smile.

"A good morning it is" She looks so happy, a smile plastered on her face while she's cooking some eggs and bacon. I walk towards the small fridge, hoping that they have some juice. As I open it, I see at least four bottles of orange juice. These boys... They keep surprising me.

I pour out a glass for me and refill Febe's. After putting the juice back into the fridge, I seat myself on a chair in the kitchen, looking at Febe.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asks after a moment of silence. I nod, signalling her to ask away.

"Did-uh... Did Luke change my clothes last night?" She asks, probably very uncertain of how to feel if he did do so.

"No, he asked me to do it" I assure her. "He only brought you to his room and went to sleep after I changed you into his T-shirt" She lets out a long breath before smiling again.

"Thank you" she says before returning her attention to the food. I search al the closets in the kitchen to find plates in the last one I open. I grab six and place them all on the table, then taking six forks and six knifes, placing them next to the plates.

Calum's POV:

I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon filling my nostrils. It takes a moment for me to realise I'm hugging a pillow and I'm alone in this room. Did she change her mind and move to the couch without me noticing? Or did I snore? I don't snore! She must've changed her mind... Damn it! I shouldn't have made my move yesterday! I ruined everything! She probably hates me! I groan loudly into my pillow, squeezing the one in my arms.

I build up the courage to get out of bed and face the girl I dreamed about. The girl that doesn't leave my mind. Ever.

I snap back to reality and shake my head to remove these thoughts out of my head. She hates me now and there's nothing I can do about it. I sigh before heading to the living room, fearing that I'll see her laying on the couch, cold and lonely.

To my surprise I see her and Febe standing in the kitchen, putting food on plates. Sarah takes two filled plates and turns around to set them on the table. When she spots me, a smile forms on her lips and she looks happier than ever. Okay so maybe I was wrong about her hating me and leaving to sleep on the couch. She just woke up before me. Should've thought about that possibility. Dumb ass. A voice in my head says. I know, shut up.

"Good morning, sleepy head" She greets me, walking over to me to quickly peck my cheek. It's only then that I notice her wearing my flannel shirt. I smile. She looks cute in it. It's even longer than the T-shirt she's wearing underneath it, nearly reaching her knees.

"Good morning" I try hard to make my smile less goofy but it's helpless. There's nothing I can do about it. She giggles lightly. "You look nice" Seriously dude? You sound like a hopeless nerd that has never talked to a girl before. I know. I can't help it.

"I'll go wake up the other boys" Febe says before disappearing into Luke's room. It stays silent for a moment. Neither of us knows what to say. And I debate on telling her what I thought this morning. We'll probably just laugh about it, right?

"I thought you left me to sleep on the couch when I woke up alone" I say before I could argue with myself.

"How could I even think of sleeping on the couch when I had an arm around my waist, keeping me warm?" Her lips form into a heart warming smile as she looks at me. I didn't even realise I was cuddling her! She chuckles. My expressions must be priceless. "Yes, you did spoon me" She comes closer to me. "And I enjoyed every second of it" She whispers in my ear just before Luke's door opens again and the couple walks out of the room. This girl has no idea of what she's doing to me.

(Calum's green shirt on the picture!)
Hey guys! I don't really like this chapter, think it's just a filler... Sorry if it's bad! I'll try to make the next one better!!

Anyway, if you did like it: vote, comment and share!!

And if you haven't already, please check out my other story: The Unknown Band!! Updating that one as well today!

Thank you all for reading this x

Just Saying - Calum HoodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora