Chapter 21

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Sarah's POV:

We decided to sleep at the boy's hotel since it was closer to where we were. I am curious for their rooms though. I mean, who's going to sleep with who? I can't imagine them having an extra room just in case. Maybe they'll let Febe and I sleep in one room. I sure hope so...

It was a short drive to the hotel. Once we arrived there, we all went into the elevator and Calum pressed the button to the tenth floor which seemed to be the top one. At the end of a long hallway the boys enter room 1021, followed by Febe and I.

I can assure you that this is the most beautiful room that I've ever seen. There's a tiny kitchen, four doors which, I presume, lead to four bedrooms and a living room with three black couches, a tv and a huge window which gives a beautiful view of the city by night. I walk straight to the window to admire the view. This is a part of the city that I have never seen before. All the city lights light up like millions of fireflies.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I turn my head to see Calum standing next to me. He looks so handsome. His hair is getting longer, almost reaching his eyes. His pink lips aren't showing any kind of emotion which makes his jawline stand out more. The thousands of lights reflecting in his dark brown eyes give them a sparkle. I realise that I've never examined his features like that before. Which is a shame actually. I could look at him like this for days. He looks so perfect standing there.

"Sarah, you do know Calum isn't participating in your stare contest, right?" Ashton asks out of the blue, pulling me out of my thoughts. I quickly turn around and look at the others to see them all staring at me, trying to hold back the urge of laughing. I feel my cheeks burning from the heat that rose to my head and I swear that Calum would feel it if he took only one step closer to me. I look at him and our eyes meet. His lips are curled up into a smile. Not like an I'm-laughing-at-you-one-the-inside kind of smile, no, more like an I'm-happy-you-feel-the-same-way-about-me kind of smile. It's obvious and I can't deny it. I have feelings for this boy and the only thing that's holding me back from giving my all to him, is the fact that I just broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. With him around, I almost forget what happened. On this day only I feel like he glued almost half of all the tiny pieces of my heart back together. For some reason I feel bad for getting over Tony this easy. But on the other hand he probably got over me about a months ago. Isn't it about time that I do the same?

"Ah, that's better. See the difference? Now you're looking into his eyes and he's looking into yours" Ashton speaks again. "That's kind of like the definition of a staring contest" I look at him again to see him smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. A giggle escapes his mouth as he walks to the little kitchen to grab something to drink.

"Smart ass" I mumble just loud enough for Calum to hear. He chuckles and walks over to the only empty couch left. Febe's curled up against Luke, probably falling asleep. Michael, of course, is spread across the other couch, leaving no room for someone else. I decide to seat myself next to Calum in the smallest couch which makes it impossible for me to not have any physical contact with him. My leg tingles a bit where his touches mine.

"Michael you selfish dickhead" Ashton yells from the kitchen. He sets his glass on the counter and runs to Michael's couch, jumping on top of him.

"AH! You bloody wombat!" Michael yells. It comes out more like a murmur though, due to Ashton sitting on his face. I chuckle at their childish behaviour and the swearing that I've never heard before.

"I'm gonna bring Febe to my bed" Luke says, standing up and carrying her bridal style. She's in a deep sleep and didn't even wake up by the yelling of the two boys. Before I could protest, he entered one of the rooms and closed the door behind him. A few seconds later the door opens again and a rather embarrassed Luke comes out of the room again. He walks over to me and bows closer to whisper something in my ear. "Maybe it's better if you undo her from her clothes..." I smile. He's so innocent and cute. "You can pick on of my shirts out of the closet" He smiles quickly before seating himself on the couch again.

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