Chapter 20

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Calum's POV:

Sarah seemed to know a few places in Brussels to be. There was this weird building which consisted of nine balls with tubes to keep them together. Apparently this was the most touristic attraction here. In the same area was something that looks like a little town with the biggest movie theatre from this country, loads of little restaurants, a playground (just so you know: we spent about an entire hour there), an indoor waterpark and a place where they made entire Europe in small. I was taller than the tower of Pisa.

Now Sarah insisted that we should eat at this Mexican restaurant which she claims is awesome. It kind of scared me off at first cause this weird man who's wearing a sombrero is singing outside but then Ashton went dancing with him and the man seemed kind so we went inside. I have to admit that it looks cosy, with a pick-up truck standing in the middle.

"Sarah, I had an awesome day" Ashton says once we're seated at our table.

"Yeah, it was amazing!" Michael added. I expected Luke to say something but he was too busy making eye contact with Febe. I hope they don't start eating each others faces anytime soon.

"Thanks for showing us around" I say, looking at her with a smile. The smile she returns is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. She looks so happy here with us. Not happy like I've found a way to make a bunch of famous guys happy, no, more like the I've made some great friends and they make me so happy kind of happy. "So what do we do after dinner?" I ask her.

"We could go watch a movie if you want" I look at the other boys to see what they think of the offer. Michael and Ashton both nod while Luke's still too busy with Febe. They were both seated at the end of the table, facing each other.

"Let's just pretend it's their first date and leave them alone" Sarah whispers. I turn my head to look at the girl seated next to me. I nod to agree with her plan. As do the two boys seated at the other side of the table, facing us. "So, movie theatre?" She asks again.

"Works for me" I say, looking at the other boys to see what they're going to say. They both nod.

"What movies are they playing?" Ash asks.

"I don't know actually... Probably a lot" Sarah says.

"We'll see there when these two lovebirds are back in conversation mode" I say looking at the two. Sarah chuckles lightly and punches my arm.

"Leave them alone for a second, you'd be staring too if your crush just became your girlfriend" My head snaps to the girl sitting next to me. Then she realises what she said is a bit inappropriate after my actions from earlier this day and a blush creeps on her cheeks. I smile and before the two guys can say something about it, a waitress comes to our table with our drinks.

Sarah's POV:

After dinner we all went to the movie theatre and Febe insisted on watching this horror film.

"Febe, we both shit our pants when watching a horror movie" I try to get her thoughts away from this idea but the boys already seemed to go with the idea.

"It's okay you can hold my hand if you want to" An all too familiar voice whispers in my ear.

"That's cute... Are you saying this because I'll be needing it or because you'll shit your pants if you don't have a hand to squeeze in?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He chuckles lightly.

"Honey, I'm a man. I don't need a hand to squeeze in" He assures me.

"A man, huh? Like you were a man earlier this day when you were playing at the playground with all the little kids?" His face drops as he realises I totally won this discussion. "Come back later when you find your manliness. I'm not a mom who holds a little boy's hand" I wink at him before speeding up my pass to reach Febe. I haven't really talked to her this day as she was too busy with Luke. Which is normal, I'd probably be the same but I'm eager for some details!

Calum's POV:

I have to admit that she just burned the hell out of me. I actually thought that I was going to win but all of that came out of the blue.

"Cal, I suggest you go to the loo for a second" I look at Ashton who just came walking beside be.


"I think it's better if you go and apply some cold water to your burned area" He and Michael start laughing uncontrollably.

"I suggest you just take a cold shower cause your burns are bad... She was on fire, man" Luke says, walking on my other side. He joins in on the laughing and I can't help but laugh too.


The movie just started and Sarah was already biting her nails. Who was acting like a child now?

"Calum?" She asks. I turn my head to look at her but I didn't realise she bent closer to me so our heads bump. For a swift moment I felt her lips brush against mine. She quickly leans back as she rubs her forehead. I feel her pain as my head starts pounding a little. She turned shy all of the sudden. Did she feel that little tiny connection too?

"I-uh, I wanted to ask if I could borrow your jacket..." She finally says.

"Are you cold?" I ask, sounding like an over concerned boyfriend. Dude, you meed to find your chill.

"No, I just... I just want something to hold in front of my eyes..." Cute.

"Why don't you take your jacket?" I ask.

"Hey, you two are really cute but I'm trying to watch a movie here so could you please just be a gentleman and give her your jacket? Thanks" A man from behind us asks. Sarah chuckles lightly as she whispers a sorry to the man. The man was right, I should just be a gentleman and give her my jacket. It's another step closer to her. I obey and undo my jacket to give it to her. She whispers a quick thanks, gives me a smile and returns her attention to the big screen in front of us.

It doesn't take long before she hides behind my jacket and squeezes it tightly. I chuckle at her childish behaviour and return my attention to the movie as well. I could watch her during the entire movie and not be bored for a second but I'm scared the man will start talking to me again and say that I'm a creep. Plus it would be pretty gay. No thank you, I don't want her to think I'm gay. That would ruin everything.

I'm over 2K reads!!!! I can't believe it! Thank you all so much for reading this!!
If anyone has an idea for a mew name for this story, feel free to message me! I feel like it should have a more original name... So if you have an original idea please tell me!!
Thanks again for reading!! xxx

Just Saying - Calum HoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt