Chapter 37

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IT'S THE LAST PICTURE CHAPTER EVERYONE!! The smart ones should know what that means... Hehe

Sarah's POV:

Packing, packing, packing.

Did I mention I'm packing yet? Well, I am. Oh, how I love packing! It always makes me happy because it means I'm going somewhere. I always look forward to going on vacation. Days, weeks, even months before my departure, I'm excited to leave, but when I pack my suitcase, I get even more excited! I get so excited because it makes me realise that my departure is finally there. And it is. I'm going to LA!

Febe and I leave tomorrow morning. Early. Very early. That's the only negative part. We have to wake up at five in the morning. The joy! But on the bright side, we have an eleven hour flight so I guess that's enough time to catch some sleep, isn't it?

I pack the last things before closing my suitcase and struggling to get it downstairs.

"Did you pack your toothbrush?" My mom asks. Turning around, I see her standing in the doorframe to the living room.

"Yes, mom, I did." I say with a smile. She's so concerned. I've never been on a flight without her before.

"And your passport?" I nod. "Phone?" Nod. "Chargers?" Nod. "Your dress for new year's eve?" Nod. "Other clothes?" Nod. "Do you have enough tissues with you?" Nod. "I'll get you another packet of tissues." I chuckle at my mom's behaviour.

"Mom I already have enough tissues, I promise. Don't worry!" I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her. "I'm going to be alright, mom. I'm a big girl now." I take a step back and smile at her. "I'm literally taller than you are so I'm sure I can handle it." She chuckles at my comment.

"I know you will." She looks up at me, tears evident in her eyes. "I'm just worried something will happen to you..."

"Oh mom..." I say as I take her back into my arms and give her a big hug. She can be so overprotective. And with me being the youngest, it's even worse than with my brother. "I promise I'll call when I get there, okay?"

"If you don't, I'll let your dad spam your boyfriend on twitter." She murmurs into my neck.

"Mom! He doesn't know I'm coming!" I whine as I pull back from the hug. She smiles and says:

"And that's exactly why you should call me!" Rolling my eyes, I chuckle. She always wins in discussions like these.


"WE'RE GOING TO LA!" Febe screams the second she sees me. I smile widely as I run towards my best friend.

"WE'RE GOING TO SEE THEM!" I squeal as we make our way towards the check-in, my parents following closely behind us. We're going to surprise them today! Or tomorrow for them. Time difference is so confusing.

After checking in our luggage and saying goodbye to my parents, which took us at least fifteen minutes, we made our way to the terminal. We still have almost an hour before we have to go to our gate but unfortunately, since it's seven in the morning, all the shops are still closed. Only Starbucks and another café are open, so guess where we went.


We're waiting in line, trying our best not to fall asleep, when suddenly a girl, about our age or maybe a bit younger, walks up to us.

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