Chapter 19

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Calum's POV:

As she walked away, I realised what I did was absolutely stupid. She got heartbroken only yesterday and here I was, trying to kiss her. And I actually even thought she was going to kiss me back. How could I be so naïve? Something like that takes more than a day to get over. I need to give her time. I'm not planning on not talking to her anymore, I'm still going to try and make her feel better. I just can't make any moves anymore. At least not any time soon.

As I walk downstairs, I pause for a second to look at the pictures hanging on the wall. Loads of baby pictures and school photo's of her and an older boy, who I'm guessing is her brother, are spread across the wall. She was actually pretty cute back then. Although she had a pretty... bad moment in her life. Let's just say that her looks are better now than they were back then. I'm not complaining. I'm happy she passed her not so pretty years. I mean, I've seen worse, much worse! But I like her better how she is now. It would be a bummer if she went back to that phase. I take a last look at a picture of her with half long, straight hair and little glasses. Imagine her with these glasses now... I chuckle and shake my head to remove that thought as I continue walking down the stairs.

As I enter the living room, I see two pairs of angry eyes looking at me and another pair of eyes glistening of held back laughter. What if she told them? She wouldn't, right? I look at Sarah in panic, but it soon leaves my system as she slightly shakes her head to deny my thoughts. Thank God she didn't tell them! But... why are they angry?

"What?" I ask confused as I look at Michael and Ashton who are spread across one of the couches, still looking at me with anger in their eyes.

"Did you seriously do that?" Ashton talks. Seriously do what? Again I look at Sarah who's sitting on the other couch with amusement in her eyes. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused... Seriously do what?" I ask. He can't be talking about the incident with Sarah. He wouldn't react like this at all. He'd probably yell at me and throw a punch in my face. The last thing he would do is calmly ask me if I actually did it.

"Dude... You just can't do something like that" he continues, not bothering to answer my question.

"Have you ever heard of privacy?" Michael asks, looking at me. I'm happy that their anger is fading away. Wait... Privacy? Oh! Privacy... Haha... Oops. Okay so maybe now I do know what they're talking about.

"What? I just needed my toothbrush"

They both rolled their eyes while Sarah chuckled, shaking her head probably disapproving my childlike behaviour. Oh well, that probably means she doesn't hate me. That's a good sign, right? What if maybe she doesn't think my actions from earlier were inappropriate? What if she just thinks we should wait? It's obviously too early for her to have something with an other guy. But maybe she likes me. My heart skips a beat at this thought. What if she does like me? I smile at this thought. That would be the best thing to ever happen to me.

My good thoughts are interrupted as the door swings open, revealing a happy Luke. A smirk spreads across my lips as Michael wiggles his eyebrows and Ashton and Sarah just smile. Luke's cheeks immediately turn red and I can almost feel their heat. Luke's always been the one embarrassed to talk about his love life. He's pretty awkward around girls so when he does manage to get one, he doesn't really like to talk about it. This however, was a very different situation. Not only are his three best friends in this room, so is the best friend of the girl he just made out with. That makes it like, what? Ten times worse. Possibly even more... It'll only get better when Febe arrives downstairs. Talking about her....

"Where's Febe?" I ask, this time it's me wiggling my eyebrows.

"She's still upstairs" Luke says, scratching the back of his neck. Oh, he's nervous already. Is it a bad thing that I'm looking forward to her, entering this room? It probably is. "She- uh- well, she still needed to do... uh... Some... things" He's got a serious crush on her. I can tell by the way he's mumbling and stuttering. My boy is growing up so fast...

Great now I sound like his mother. Nope, I'm not going to be Liz 0.2. Not a chance. The poor boy's got enough on his mind already. Just imagine having a second mom... No thank you. I mean, don't get me wrong! I love my mom! It's just, two of them? I don't think anyone would like to have two moms... Would they?

And again my thoughts are interrupted by the door swinging open. This time revealing Febe, who also looks happier than normal. Not that they usually look sad or anything. It's just that they both look even happier. I mean, who wouldn't? I think everyone would look happy after a make-out session. Except when it's a forced one. That could end up awkward.

Anyways, this time it's Sarah who wiggles her eyebrows. Ashton, Michael and I just look at the new couple standing next to each other, probably wishing they could just disappear for a moment instead of standing in front of a bunch of idiots who tend to just keep smiling like idiots without saying anything, probably trying to make a point. Yes, I did just call myself an idiot. Yes, I do think I'm an idiot from time to time. That's probably why I feel so comfortable in this band. We're mainly just a bunch of idiots making music and living their dreams. Isn't it wonderful?

"Oh, shut up" Febe says while dropping herself on the couch next to Sarah. Her cheeks are a few shades redder than they used to be. Poor girl. She just managed to get herself a new boyfriend and then she has to deal with a bunch of smiling idiots. Oh well, I guess she'll have to learn how to deal with that.

I GOT 1K AND A HALF READS!! I'm seriously freaking out... I know it isn't that much but knowing that the first version of this story only had 20 reads makes this so much... I can't describe how happy I am!! Thank you all so much for reading and please vote, comment and share <3

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