Chapter 38

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Sarah's POV:

"Does it bother you that Calum came with another girl?"

The sentence keeps replaying in my head as tears start to form in my eyes.

"Sarah" Febe says, trying to pull me inside. "They're probably just trying to break you again." Are they? There has to be some sort of truth behind it. "Don't be like me." Febe continues. "Don't give them what they want!" I'm finally able to look into my friend's eyes. "Not today." A tear falls down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away. She's right. I shouldn't believe them this easily. I need to find out who this girl is before drawing any conclusions. If there even is a girl... You never know with these people, they might've just made it up.

We walk inside, where we are greeted by the woman from the hotel. I never really caught her name actually. Nor do I know what her function is. Anyway, I'm glad she's here to help us again.

"We made sure that your seats are out of sight for the boys." She says as she leads us to them. "The only things that can happen now are rumours or them seeing you when they're on stage." That's good. Maybe my plan is working out after all. Apart from one tiny detail.

"Um... Can I ask you a question?" I ask as we finally reach our seats. The lady turns around to look at me and nods. "Is it true that Calum's here with another girl?" Her eyes widen and my heart drops again. It is. But then the woman smiles.

"Is that what they told you?" She asks. "The people out there, is that how they said it to you?" The way she's asking me this makes me feel like a total idiot for believing them. I nod lightly, suddenly ashamed for even asking. "Yes, he is here with another girl." She says. "He asked his sister to be his date since you couldn't be here." How could I be so dumb to believe them! He brought his sister! The woman smiles at me, laying her hand on my shoulder and giving it a squeeze. "He hasn't had any sort of romantic contact with a girl ever since he left Belgium six months ago." She reassures me. "And neither has Luke." She adds, looking at Febe. Before leaving us, she says that she really hopes my plan is going to work and wishes us a good time. And then she's gone and we're on our own, surrounded by strangers and a famous person from time to time. We quickly take a seat to avoid being noticed by anyone.

"We're here." I say, staring at the stage in front of us. "I can't believe I fell for it." I feel a hand on my leg, giving it a small squeeze. Looking to my right, I see Febe looking at me, smiling.

"It doesn't matter anymore. We're here now and we're seeing them in a few hours." She's right. Only a few hours. That's nothing after six months. Plus we get to see other awesome singers. Like NATHAN SYKES!!!

"Did you see Nathan Sykes out there?" I suddenly ask Febe after a moment of silence. Her eyes widen as a huge smile forms on her face.

"Oh my god, I did!!" Needless to say we're fans. I mean, his voice is just perfect! After a few more minutes of fangirling and spotting other famous people, the lights fade and fans start screaming. Soon enough I hear Nathan's voice singing "Over And Over Again". I always loved that song, but hearing it live makes it next level beautiful!

After a few more singers and musicians, it was finally time.

They're walking up the stage.

They start playing their first chords and I immediately recognise What I Like About you. They are moving. After six months of only seeing them on pictures I can finally see them moving. When Calum starts singing his part a huge smile forms on his face and my heart starts beating like crazy. Would he be thinking of me? After all he did tell me once that I'm an amazing dancer. It's possible, isn't it?

Just Saying - Calum HoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt