Chapter 27

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Calum's POV:

I had trouble with catching sleep on the plane. It's usually pretty easy but this time I couldn't seem to clear my mind. I'm really happy that Sarah and I got together two days ago but all I can think of right now is how hard it's going to be. I live on the other side of the world and I hate to say it but I've got a bunch of girls running after me too. They don't bother me much in my hometown since I've lived there my whole life but if we start touring again, there's no escaping them.

In the evening I decide to go for a walk. I've spend some time with my parents and sister but now I feel like I need some time alone. I haven't been alone in a year now, always having at least one of the boys around. My first thought was locking myself up in my room but then I realised that I haven't seen the town in a long time. A walk seemed like a better idea.

So that's exactly what I'm doing right now. I just walk and walk, going to places that I used to go to. Memories floating into my mind.

And that's when I see it. A scene that I used to see a lot when I went out to party and walked home late. One of the most beautiful things that I've ever seen.

I decide to take a picture of it and send it to Sarah. I haven't send her anything after that picture on the plane so right now might be a good time.

Cal: Might take you here someday...

I wait for a few minutes, just enjoying the view. It's probably almost noon for her now so it doesn't take long for her to reply.

Teddybear: Oh wow! :o

Cal: Cool right?

Teddybear: that's an understatement...

I smile at her texts, taking in the view one last time before starting my journey back home. Sarah and I text a bit, talking about everything and nothing. It may sound cheesy but just talking to her makes me happy. Whenever we talk I can't fight back a smile that wants to form on my lips. It's impossible. She makes me happier than anyone has ever done. Just by being herself.

When I get home my parents are already asleep. So is Mali-koa, my sister. I decide to do the same. Plopping onto my bed, it doesn't take long for me to catch sleep this time. Seconds later my eyelids turn heavy and I fall into a deep sleep.

I don't really know what to think about this...

Oh well... Please comment share and vote! I love it when you leave comments and say what you think of it!! It makes me want to write more so please do leave comments <3

And already a shoutout to JadeWinslow0 for helping me with the pictures!!

Just Saying - Calum HoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora