Chapter 43

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Calum's POV:

When we walk out of the airport, we're immediately greeted by some fans but since it's our hometown, they don't bother us that much. Sarah and Febe don't have to be escorted away from us this time. Sarah's hand grabs mine as a few girls stare at her from a distance. After our talk in the plane, I've decided that I should pay more attention to how fans react around her instead of counting how many of them are Calum girls, since the biggest Calum girl is already mine. Our conversation made me think. It made me think about how Sarah's life is going to change drastically after making us official, which I didn't do yesterday because we weren't going to part so now I need a new plan. But if we do make things official, she'll be followed by paparazzi, making up stories about our relationship, fans will approach her, some of them only to ask for a picture, but some of them to confess their hate towards her as well. Her privacy will be gone and the world will know everything about her. She'll see that, all of the sudden, people are going to be nice to her and she'll have a lot of friends, but she'll also see that most of them are just befriending her for the fame and the money. Or for me.

"Don't worry" I whisper into her ear. She makes a small jump, taken aback by my voice. I squeeze her hand before adding "they're just curious". She relaxes slightly, looking back to the girls who are still glancing at us from time to time.

"They don't look too happy to see us holding hands." She says before returning her attention to the van that's standing a few metres in front of us, waiting for us to hop in.

"Well, they're going to have to get used to it." I say, pecking her cheek quickly and taking her suitcase from her afterwards to put it in the trunk of the van. After loading in both her suitcase and mine, I walk to the side of the car again, only to see she's still standing in the same spot, watching my every move with cheeks that turned lightly pink by my actions. "Ready to go?" I ask, holding out my hand for her, which she takes after a few seconds.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She murmurs as we step into the car. Since Mali stayed in LA for some business, it was only the two of us sitting in the back. A minute or two after we got into the car, Luke, Febe and Ashton take their seats in the middle row of the car as Michael takes place next to the driver.

Less than an hour later, Sarah and I are standing in front of my home, both holding our luggage. The boys and I decided that we would all just go home today and see each other tomorrow.

I look to my right to see a pale looking Sarah who is holding on tight to her suitcase, resulting in her knuckles turning white. I place my right hand on top of her left hand, making her jump a little as she snaps out of her thoughts. Looking at me, she relaxes slightly but I can see that she's still nervous, her eyes say it all.

"They'll love you, Sarah." Taking a step closer to her, I lay my hand on her lower back and lean closer until my mouth is next to her ear so I can whisper "I'm sure of it" before pecking her cheek. I lean back a little, looking into her eyes to see that she's already less nervous than before. She smiles weakly as she nods, gently placing her lips on mine afterwards, in search of comfort. My hand raises to her cheek, resting there as we break the kiss. "Let's go." I say, giving her one more, quick kiss before grabbing my suitcase again and walking towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" Sarah asks. A blindfold is wrapped around her head and she holds out her arms to keep her from bumping into anything. My hands hold hers as I guide her onward.

"If I told you, the blindfold would be pretty useless." I chuckle and a smile forms on her lips  as she thinks about it.

Meeting my parents went as I expected: flawless. They loved Sarah the moment she entered the house, she was so nervous and my mom noticed. After giving her a cup of tea, mom was able to start some small talk with her and she loosened up in no time. She didn't even notice that I was gone for almost an hour, to get her a surprise. When I got back, dinner was ready and the table was all set.

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