46. PARENTS😭❤️

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[2 months later] 

Play the above song to feel the essence of the whole chp😭❤️🤌🏻

**Veer's POV:**

I woke up early, the first rays of the sun filtering through the curtains. Something felt off immediately—Akshu wasn't next to me. I reached out instinctively, expecting to find her warmth, but my hand only touched cold sheets.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, trying to shake off the lingering sleep. "Akshu?" I called out softly, glancing around the room. No sign of her.

A wave of concern hit me. Where could she be this early? My mind raced, considering all the possibilities. That's when I heard the door to the bathroom creak open. I turned toward the sound.

Akshu stood there, her silhouette framed by the soft morning light. She had this strange expression on her face, a mix of nervousness and joy, like she was holding onto some big secret. My heart skipped a beat.

"Where did you go?" I asked, my voice groggy.

She didn't answer. Instead, she smiled softly and started walking toward me, her hands hidden behind her back. I frowned, sitting up straighter. Something was definitely up.

She stopped in front of me, looking down at me with those sparkling eyes. My frown deepened as I glanced from her face to her hands, trying to figure out what she was hiding. "Akshu?" I repeated, more curious now.

Finally, she pulled one hand forward and stretched it out toward me. In her palm was a small white plastic device. I blinked, taking it in my hand, confused. It had two pink lines on it. I stared at it, completely lost.

"What... what is this?" I asked, feeling like I was missing something important.

Akshu chuckled softly, rolling her eyes at my cluelessness. She leaned in and tapped me lightly on the forehead, a playful smirk on her lips. "You, my genius husband, are going to be a dad."

[Bhai mai ro dungi😭😭❤️]

Her words echoed in my head like a slow-motion explosion. *A dad? Me?* My mind struggled to process what she just said. My heart raced, but before I could react—before I could even breathe—I felt the world tilt sideways.

Everything went black.

[Mafia faint hogya😭😭🤧]


When I opened my eyes, Akshu was kneeling beside me, her hands gently slapping my face and her voice full of panic. "Veer! Veer, wake up!"

I blinked, disoriented, feeling her sprinkle water on my face. I quickly sat up, the realization hitting me all over again like a second wave. "Akshu... did you just say... I'm going to be a dad?" My voice trembled as I spoke, still trying to make sense of it all.

She smiled wide, her eyes teary but glowing with joy. "Yes, Veer. You're going to be a father."

I froze for a moment, my heart swelling so much I thought it might burst. Tears blurred my vision as the weight of her words fully settled in. A slow, shaky breath escaped me. "I'm going to be a dad..." I repeated, my voice barely a whisper, filled with awe.

Suddenly, a surge of emotion overwhelmed me, and without thinking, I grabbed her and lifted her off the bed. I spun her around like a madman, laughing and crying all at once.

"Veer! Stop! You'll make me dizzy!" she squealed between giggles, clutching onto me for dear life.

But I couldn't stop. I didn't *want* to stop. The sheer happiness bursting inside me made everything else fade away. I gently placed her back on the bed, but I couldn't stop holding her, couldn't stop touching her. My hands cupped her face, my thumbs brushing away the few stray tears on her cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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