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Within hours, we made it to Houston. I woke up to screaming and shouting outside of the bus.

With just a slither of hope, I looked over to Kian's spot in the bed. Kian wasn't there.

Probably made him uncomfortable. Now I feel extra bad. Great.

"Queenie! Look at this!" Jae called, gesturing with her hands. She was standing at the side of the window next to the guys that looked like they hadn't woken up any earlier than me.

Kian closer to the front of the bus, fortunately. As soon as I saw him I instantly got a queasy feeling in my tummy. He looked over at me and curled in the side of his lips, giving me a weak smile.

What's he thinking?

Smirking quickly back at him, I turned away and looked at the ground. Later on, I'll come up to him and apologize. That'll make this weird atmosphere regular again.

I stretched out my arms then zombied my way over to where Jae was standing.

She was smiling bigger than usual. She didn't even notice me as she slid pass Connor and Trevor to get to the front of the group.

Loud shrieking came from the other side of the bus window as soon as she came into view.

"Hey, Queenie! They're calling you too!" Jae trembled with excitement. A small group of teenagers stood outside the window, banging and legit crying.

As a matter of fact, it was a sea of teenagers. Almost so much that the bus could barely maneuver through the once empty street.

"OMG! It's Queenie and Jae!" A boy jumped. He was dressed in a pain white tee reading 'lol ur not Connor Franta' in pixel speech box and black skinny jeans.

"Samantha! Do you SEE them?! They're so fabulous!" He violently shook his oblivious texting girl friend.

Soon the bus came to a stop. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have officially reached our destination!" Ahlf stated once he put the bus into park.

A couple woo's came from some of us while the rest was just too tired to cooperate with anything.
"Now everybody get ready and prepared before we step off the bus because we're not coming back on till later today." Steve spoke.

The commotion going on aboard immediately halted as we heard what Steve's voice sounded like. It was kinda high for a guy voice. The voice shot his rather serious demeanor down by a lot.

Steve noticed us just staring at him and puffed his chest, "What?!" He gritted his teeth. That sent everyone into their seperate directions to pick up whatever and do whatever.

Jc, though, being the late and inattentive person he was a majority of the time, snickered at himself, causing Steve to buck up on him.

"What was that?!" He quizzed while his voice somehow got deep again. Jc tried to tuck his head in between his arms. "N- nothing Mr. Steve Sir. S- Steve." He shook in his boots.

"Hmph. Better be nothin'." Steve crossed his arms and turned away.

"Munchkin voice beyotch." Jc said under his voice.

"Oh you're going to get it now!" Steve raised his fist up to a once again quivering Jc. Just before his iron fist could've reached Jc's face, Jae stopped him by stepping in between them two.

"I'm sorry, Steve. I apologize for my boyfriend's rude behavior." She held his fist in the air. "But excuse him please. He's not all there ya know." She whispered to him, patting his back.

Steve fixed onto Jc with a hostile stare. "I mean look at him," Jae added.

Jc was changing into a fresh shirt until Kian slapped him, making him yell out the longest 'ow' known to man. His arms were still dangling in the air until he pulled it over his head, "Don't you do that, dyude." He shunned his finger at Kian.

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