How Do I Look?

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The irritating noise of Friday by: Rebecca Black woke me up rudely.

"Why is this my ringtone?" I spoke in between my long yawn. "What day is it?" I asked, scratching my head as if I didn't just hear my annoying ringtone. Then it hit me! Well.... more like my sister.

"Jae! Get up! We have to go meet Kian and the guys today!" I announced, throwing my phone at her, instantly taking off the disturbing ringtone.

Jae woke up throwing a furious face my way. Quickly, I continued with the subject. "C'mon! We have to get ready for the date today!" I yelled rushingly. I sped walked over to the bathroom almost tripping over my feet.

Suddenly, my face met the hard wood floor. "Move out of the way! I call the bathroom!" my sister pushed me to the ground before sticking her tounge out at me and slamming the door in my face.

"Come out of there! I need to get ready! Kian's not gonna like me if I'm looking like a trashcan!" I screamed and banged on the door.

"No! I'm gonna take my time! You throw a phone at my face?! This is what you get in return! HAHAHA!" she laughed evily. She was kinda right though.

"Okay. Next time don't throw things after your cranky older sister." I noted while walking over to the closet.

After a billion options, I finally decided on a light blue sundress with my pink converse. I know I'm not a girly girl ,but today was my date with the Kian Lawley. The world's perfect outfit had to go along with some bonuses so I made my nails pink and blue and braided my dreads up into a side bun with a curly lock in the front. Next was makeup.

'Um..... what am I doing here? I've never worn makeup once in my entire teenaged life' I franticly thought. 'No. No freaking out. I got this.' I calmed myself down starting to apply makeup. After about 10 minutes, my sister popped out of the bathroom.

"AHHH! What's that junk on your face?" she asked. "Did you misplace your food again, Queenie?" she talked as if I was a baby.

"What are you talking about? I look beauti-" I screamed when I looked in the vanity mirror. I ran into the bathroom and started scrubbing my face.

"Awww. It's alright. We all have our days." she patted my shoulder as I continued washing my face. "Can you please help me?" I begged. "Sure ,sis!"

She walked me over to the vanity once again once I was done washing that previous mess off my face. "Let's go with something natural. The last thing I'd want is for me to look like some toddler who mindlessly crayoned crap all over its face." I told her.

"Yeah cuz you already passed that stage." she giggled. I laughed sarcastically to her true statement.

"You're a tomboy so let's go with a little eyeshadow, mascara, and some pink lipgloss." she stated while applying makeup in what felt like the right places. I excitedly spun the chair towards the vanity observing my sister's work.

"Well my job's done here. I gotta go get ready." she walked off into the closet then to the bathroom. I checked all of the features of the new, frilly girl me:

girly hair: check, nice makeup: check, nails: check, awesomeness: check!

While I was adding my finishing touches, Jae delicately walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing a green blouse and jeans with pink flats. Her nails were green and pink and her hair was in an off to the side braided ponytail.

"Wow! You look good, Jae!" I commented.

"No! You look good!" she laughed.

"No you look good!" I smiled.

"I do look good, huh?" she posed in her outfit. We were fangirling over our outfits before I checked the time.

"It's almost 8!" I jumped. The guys would be expecting us soon! We grabbed our purses and ran outside to the car. 


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