Young Love

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Ricky poked my leg, trying to wake me from my slumber, "Hey, Queenie. We're here." he snapped.

Trevor woke up in confusion, scratching the dry drool off his face. "Well... that was a nice little trip." he grinned. "I sure did sleep well with you guys as my cushions." He patted my thigh.

"Oh yeah. I enjoyed it so much. I really did." I giggled sarcastically, punching Trevor's arm softly.

"Hey there sleeping beauty." Kian smiled, flicked my nose playfully.

"Hey Prince Charming." I replied, hugging him.

Kian had a confused look across his face, "What was that for?" he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh. No reason. Just felt like it." I said, Kian's face in the same 'I'll just go with it' position.

Sam moved over on the seat, allowing me to climb out of the car.

"Awww! Look at this, guys. Young love!" Sam squeaked, taking a photo of Jae and Jc, still asleep. "To instagram you go little fella'."

"May I walk you to your door?" Kian asked, even though my door was so close.

"Uh.. Sure." I said, creating a happy look on Kian's face. Kian tapped Jae's shoulder, waking her and Jc also.

We walked up the short flight of stairs to the red front door. "I enjoyed our date today, Kian. Really. Thanks." I stared off.

"That's great. So did I." He watched his shoes with his hands in his back pants pockets.

"Well?" I moved my head into his sight. A quiet mumble came from him, barely understandable.

"Huh?" I asked.

Still nothing.

I lifted his head so I could see his eyes. Without hesitation, I giggled a bit then grabbed the collar of his blue t-shirt and pulled his lips into mine.

Overcome with total surprise, Kian's eyes shot wide open in shock. After about 30 seconds, his eyes drifted close and his hands were on my hips. Satisfied, I pulled away slowly, leaving him in complete awe.

"I've wanted to do that for a while ya know." I confessed, glaring into his slowly opening eyes. Whoops and whistles came from the guys,

"You go Kian!" they cheered in unison.

An 'in love' look was spelled across face as he was lost for words, trying to find a response.

"I'll see you at the party?" I giggled, walking towards my door.

"Uh.. Uh.. Yeah." He managed to say.

"Okay then ,Kian. See ya there." I waved, shaking my keys.

He ran over and offered to help, "Uh... I got those. Lemme help you." He said excitedly. I nodded and watched as he fit key after key into the keyhole, finally finding the correct fitting key after a while.

"There you go." His eyes filled with lust as he looked into mine.

"Thanks." I chuckled before going inside. Kian waited at the door, obviously awaiting something else.

I rolled my eyes knowingly,"Aww. Alright." I stated, pecking him on his lips one last time.

A soft sigh exited Kian, now walking away from the door and down the stairs to the car, his eyes still on me,

"Hey, Jc. I'm pretty sure Jae doesn't want you to keep her." He pointed out, Jc's arms still wrapped around her.

"I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind that. Wouldn't you, Jae?" He rubbed her cheek with his thumb. She giggled before pecking Jc and exiting the car.

"Wow! How come Kian and Jc's so special? Do I get a kiss too?" Sam joked, making kissy faces at Ricky, Connor, and Trevor.

"Eww. No! Nobody wants to get your germs!" Connor laughed, patting Sam's back.

Sam shrugged, waving at Jae and me, everyone copying and waving also. Kian and Jc entered the car and Ricky sounded his horn twice while driving down the road.

"Ooooo, Queenie. I saw you back there. Smooching all over your man." Jae mocked .

"You're the one to talk. Jc was all over you..." I spat, closing the door behind Jae once she stepped inside.

"Well I didn't ask for him to kiss me." She placed her hand on her chest, bragging.

"Yeah. Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "We have a couple hours before the party. I'm gonna catch up on some z's." I dragged my feet up the stairs to my bedroom, falling asleep as soon as I hit my bed.

The First Sight (A Kian Lawley Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now