To Forgive or To Not Forgive

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Sadly, the day had to come to an end. After all the fun rides, the exciting moments where Trevor nearly threw up, the awesome food, and the couple of supportive fans (2 or 3 that weren't so supportive) that approached Jae and I, we headed for home.

There, Jc cooked dinner in the kitchen. Connor was locked up in his room as usual probably doing whatever a Connor does in his natural habitat. Near me, Ricky sat on the sectional while on his laptop. "Ricksters? What ya doin'?" I asked, bored.

"Eh nothin' really. Just editing today's video. Almost done." He replied.

"Cool. I'm kinda nervous, but not at the same time." I laughed.

Ricky kept his eyes on his screen, "It'll be fine, girl. Don't worry." He showed me a supportive smile then went back to his work. "Okay."

I rested my head on Kian's shoulder, coiling my arm around his. "What's wrong?" He asked. Really, that thought came back again. But I didn't want to tell Kian that and get him worrying again. So I lied, "Nothing. How's tour for you guys?"

Answers from the guys bombarded me all at once, "Awesome!" called Ricky.

"Stressful! Tiring! But awesome, yes!" I heard Connor call from his room.

"Fun!" Trevor and Jc said.

"It's all of that and more. The new faces you meet, the free hugs, the free gifts! All of those nice things. But most importantly is the fans. Gotta love em." Kian informed causing Jae to shoot up from who knows. "Food?! I am definitely, positively coming then!"

"Hahaha. Babe, you've said that a million times before." Jc laughed, stirring what was in the pan.

That made my mood about the subject much lighter. From what I've seen and experienced with the fans so far, it seemed like the something I'd like to try. I mean, what could go wrong right?


Wow! Jc was a great cook. The taste of seafood Alfredo still lingered on my taste buds while everyone relaxed. Ricky later announced that he was done with the video and soon we all crowded around the computer.

"Look. Already 1,000 views in a couple minutes. And the comments say nothing but good things. Here: OMG I actually met the two girls today at Disneyland and they were so awesome." Ricky pointed at the screen. "And it now has 248 replies.

He clicked the extend arrow and I stood corrected. There really weren't anything bad about what I've been worrying about,"are they twins? They're so gorg tho"

"Queenie seems so perfect for Kian! Awww #shipquian"

"Jae and Jc make a cute couple #idktheirshipname" lol, and "Wow. I can't wait to meet them when they go on tour! Eager to meet O2L and their new baes XD"

Maybe they weren't as bad at all. "Oh wow. That's amazing. Okay."  I smiled greatly.

Kian nudged my arm with his elbow, "Told ya'."


Ricky took the liberty to drive us home, Jae and I off first. I gave a quick peck to Kian while Jae pounded Jc's fist, "Night peeps." I waved while waiting for Jae.

"Love you!" Kian held his hands out the window.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" The guys went off. "Shuddup." Kian blushed, folding his arms.

"Haha. Love you too, Kian." I laughed. He was just too cute. "Awwwwwwwww!" They said it in a sweet tone.

"Oh! What do I have to lose? Jae! I love you too, bae!" Jc added, poking his head out the passenger's side, pouting his lips. Jae giggled while walking in front of the car, pecking Jc and coming back.

Waving at them again, they left down the street. Jae and I went inside and upstairs. "Tour. Countdown 2 weeks!" She reminded while going into her room.

This time was different. I didn't feel anything in the bottom of my stomach, I didn't feel sick. I was perfectly fine about it. "Yeah! Wooo! I'm excited!" I yelled out.


I stared at my phone contemplating my next move. Things had to change. Not for me, but for things to be the way they we're before. Sam and especially that girlfriend of his needed a talking to.

The phone rang a couple times before he picked up. "Q - Queenie? Hey -"

"Yeah Sam. I know that all that talk about you being sorry is going to come up and I don't really want to hear it. What you did was really low. And you did it to your best friend."

There's was a moment of silence. I was about to elaborate on his scandalousness until I heard him take a deep inhale and start again,

"I know and I am sorry. Really really sorry. I am every bad name known to man in the book. I don't expect you to forgive me. But it's just Stephani. She's obviously using me to get Kian and it hurts. It really hurts. So I've been bundling up all of this hurt and pain. You were the only person there for me to let it out on." Sam gulped.

Truthfully, I didn't feel like forgiving Sam. He was the one that broke me and Kian up, nearly ruined my reputation, and gave me lots of drama in my life.

To forgive or to not forgive.

But if I wanted things to be like before (before I entered everyone's lives), then I would've had to put my personal problems behind me.

I hesitated then gave him my forgiveness, "Okay, Sam. I forgive you."

"So we're friends again?" He pushed.

"I don't think you should be thinking about our friendship. When was the last time you spoke to your best friend?" I sassed.

"I haven't talked to him since the incident. He's been ignoring my calls, not accepting me wanting to hang with him, and giving me dirty looks if I was around. I don't think that we could be the same again."

Maybe Sam was right, but there's always a resolution to things. He would've just had to think of something. "Aren't you coming on tour with everyone else?"

He answered 'yes' and I continued with my suggestion. "You have till then to probably fix things. And do something about that girlfriend of your's. She's causing enough problems as it is."

He said a quick 'mhm' then I said bye and hung up. Okay. Two problems down one to go.

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