Total Craziness: Part 2

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We pulled up in the driveway and Jae turned off the car. Not a word was said the whole ride because it was just too hard to share with her. She kept the doors locked until I looked over at her, "Can we talk about it inside please?" I asked.

"Okay, but Jc was here earlier. We were watching movies then he fell asleep on the couch. He's in there now." I gave her the straightest look causing her to start stammering, "Okay. And then some."

I laughed knowing that I was right then followed her inside. Trying not to wake Jc sleeping away on the couch, we excused ourselves to upstairs. Jae closed the door behind her as soon as we both entered her room.

"So be completely truthful with me. Tell the truth and only the truth. What happened? Cuz I feel like manually going over to Kian and beating him to a pulp." She said, sitting on the bed.

"Well long story short: Kian walked in on something that he didn't totally understand and said some stuff that I didn't like. I broke up with him, called you and he tried to pick me up. That's when you came." I said, acting like it was nothing when ,really, it was killing me to go back on that moment.

I didn't want to start with the waterworks again, but I knew that now I was in front of my sister it would've been alright.

"Wait wait. What did he walk in on? What did he say?" She questioned, looking more intrigued.

"Um... Sam kissed me." I started. At the moment, Jae had this expression on her face that I didn't quite understand at first. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was all anger, confusion, and eagerness in one.

My arms quickly shot up to stop my frantic sister from going wild, "Jae? Jae! Sit down and listen. Please." I demanded.

Surprisingly, she actually listened. All her expressions still showing on her face. "Okay. Continue." She sat back down on the bed, her fingers to her temples, her lips pursed.

I stood there and explained everything, from the tattoos to the mishap at Taco Bell. During the whole explanation, I could see Jae getting more and more mad. At the end of the story, she got up and stomped downstairs. Whatever she was about to do, I knew I didn't want to be in her way.

Should I stop her? Should I try to prevent this? No! This should be entertaining!

She was now downstairs and she stopped not too far from the stairs. It didn't take me long to kinda put together what she was doing.

"Justin Caylen! Wake yo lazy behind up!" She shouted, shaking a merely conscious Jc.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Babe what is it? What's wrong?" He groaned, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. Not too much time had passed when Jae told the story. Before I knew it, things jumped into total craziness.

Jae was now cursing Jc in her island accent while he sat there totally flabbergasted and wide eyed. He hadn't said a single word until she was completely finished.

All I heard was "yo shoupid behind fren", "I really want to push dis up he", and "go taaak to yo fren cah if you don't, I will" and the rest was kinda blurry.

I wasn't surprised, though, to see Jc have to same reaction as my sister. It was obvious that they had an affect on each other and in a way, it was so cute.

"Woah woah woah! So you're telling me.." He pointed to me causing me to shake my head.

"All because.." He said, pointing to Jae and having her do the same.

Jc was taken back. "Wooow! How could he do that? What's up with Sam?" He asked, thinking to himself.

Jae interrupted his thoughts by snapping in front of him. Now they had forgotten me with the problem and were talking between one another.

Feeling like I was in a weird position, I substituted myself to the kitchen. Grabbing the foot stand from the corner of the kitchen, I placed it in front of the fridge so I could grab a box of Captain Crunch.

"Queenie! I know what we're going to do!" Jc shouted excitedly, causing me to spill cereal all over the floor. He came running in nearly slipping on the cereal covered floor.

"I know what we're going to do." He repeated, much more calm this time. Jc helped me clean up the last bits of cereal before throwing it in the garbage and starting again.

"No no. Wait. Jc stop. I don't think I want to be with Kian again." I told him.

Jae suddenly appeared into thin air, "What? No. I know what he said was pretty rude of him, but it's nothing you guys can't fix." She said.

"And my bae already asked me to come on tour with him so I can't go by myself." She added, pinching Jc's face.

Weirdos. Having their mushy couple moment right in front of me.

Jae and Jc almost came to the point of some next level PDA when they caught on and stopped themselves, apologizing.

"It's fine."

Soon enough, Kian was on my mind.

Should I give him another chance? I mean, he didn't know what was going on so I understand his reaction. It was a little extra, though. That's the thing. And I do still have feelings for him.

"So what do ya say? Will you consider it at least?" Jc asked, wrapping his arms around Jae.

What the heck! Sure.

"I'll think about it." I smiled at the sight of my sister and Jc's happiness. If it meant that they would be happy then what do I have to lose.

They cheered and continued to share their plan with me. Throughout, there were some bumpy edges, but in the end it all came together.

"What about," I stopped myself. Now I hated the thought of him. He's the one that got me in this problem. He was the reason from the beginning. "Sam?" I managed to finish.

Things were silent. They both shared a look then looked over at me, "I'm sorry, but we think that you should maybe have that talk with him yourself."

Disgust ran through my stomach and a shiver went down my spine. That was going to be a hard one, but if there was change in the future then it would've somehow had to work.



My window was open, letting in the cool nighttime breeze. I was on my bed in my thoughts while my sister and her boyfriend watched Netflix downstairs.

More hours progressed by and I could hear Jc saying his goodbyes and that he was going to go through with the plan. Jae agreed with him, gave him a kiss goodnight and closed the door.

The stairs made creaking noises as I heard her coming upstairs. She knocked on the door, catching my attention.


"Jc said that he was going to go through with the plan." She told.

"Yeah. I know. I heard." I turned to her, smiled, and buried my chin back into my wet pillow.

"Aww Queenie. Don't worry, dude. Everything will be alright. I know things'll work out." She comforted me, rubbing my back.

Jae wasn't always the best supporter for things like this considering that she barely ever had drama or troubles in her life, but her comforting me right now was all that I needed after today.

"Okay. Thanks, sis." I was actually able to pull out a real, full-hearted smile.

"You're welcome." She said, patting my shoulder then dismissing herself to her bedroom.

"Night! Love you lots! And I'll tell you what: we don't have to go anywhere tomorrow if you don't want to. I'll stay here with you tomorrow."

That really did put my mood in a happy state. I was able to put my head into a good place before I soundly fell asleep.

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