Small Talk

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The sound of crickets chirping suddenly broke the silence that Kian put me under. Fireflies were the stars that lit up the now dark sky. The leaves on the trees rustled in the cool summer air ,adding to the sounds of nature.

Not a word from either of us at all.

Kian watched me,smiling, holding my hand in his.

"Will you?" He asked again.

I watched back at him, my mind basically freaking out ,barely believing what was happening,

"Yes! Of course! I'd love to!" I almost cried tears of joy. He took my waist, pulling me into a hug, holding me tight for a bit.

He chuckled, staring into my eyes. Everything making a sound was dead silent.

That look came across his face.... the kissey face look. I don't know what was taking over me ,but at the same exact time, I was also moving closer to him.

"There you two are!" Jae shouted from the side of the house, disrupting us.

"Come on in. You're missing out on a fun party!" Jc added, giving us a thumbs up.

"Okay! We're coming. One minute!" Kian yelled back over to them. As soon as they were gone, Kian grabbed my hand, helping me off the bench.

"Come on. Let's join everyone else." He suggested.

Deep down, I just wanted him to hurry up and kiss me just then. I've been waiting for a real kiss  for a while and I really wanted it to be Kian.

I gestured a weak shrug, agreeing to his idea.

Inside, there were people passed out on the couch, others dancing crazily in the garage and another game of spin the bottle happening in the living room.

I slowly grasped his hand, giving him a happy look. Kian smiled back before sitting me over to Sam at the circle and going across from me.

"Oh hey. You're-you're back." He smiled weakly, taking a quick glimpse at me and going back to the game.

"Yea. Was just a little... nauseous. But I'm feeling better now." I giggled.

"Great. Now you can watch me take my spin." Sam smirked.

Kian sat at the spot across from me, giving me a quick wave. I gave him a wave along with a girly smile and soon the game started.

A skinny guy in a blue tshirt and khakis took the first spin.

'Is it just me or does he look alot like Jack Johnson from youtube?' my brain fangirled again.

He grinned shyly before taking a good spin with the bottle. It spun exactly 7 times before landing on a pretty brunette with braces.

"Woah! Watch those hands mister!" Jenn shouted.

"Awww! Christina! Cute!" said another girl, more than likely her friend.

Jack stood up and took lengthy steps over to her, kissing glossed lips for about 2 minutes. Aww's and oooo's sounded off in the room.

Both of their faces grew apple red, Jack's lips covered with lip gloss. The girl giggled back over to her spot and Jack tried to play it cool, wiping his smile.

Trevor was the lucky guy sitting next to Jack ,so he got the next spin. The bottle stopped in front of a thicker girl with black hair and a medium amount of makeup. She looked up from the bottle and glared at Trevor.

Trevor looked like he was in love as his eyes widened when he set his eyes on her. He couldn't help but do that adorable smile of his. Slowly, he took a step up from his knee walking halfway to her, never loosing eye contact.

"Awwww ,Trevy!" I cheered.

More shouts came from the circle, mostly from the O2L guys.

Inaudible talk came from them until the girl leaned in for the kiss, shocking Trevor. Instead of joining the circle again, they walked off to some place, holding hands. Everyone started making funny faces at each other, surprised because of what just happened.

"My turn!" Sam beamed, grabbing the Heineken bottle. He gave it a quick twist and watched the bottle whistle to a slow stop on-Stephani.

My eyes squinted in disgust as she pulled down her mini skirt and got up from her spot next to Kian. She kept adjusting her skirt even though no matter how much she tried, was way too short, small and tight on her. I felt myself gag in my mouth because of the sight.

Sam got up from his spot, winking back at me, before walking all the way through the circle and grabbing her shoulders and yanking her in for a kiss.

I continued to shake my head in discust, the scene before me just making me wanna throw up.

I knew I had to say something ,but 50% of me was saying no while the other was saying the opposite.

'Ooooohhh. Look at that piece of bologna up there!' I thought, distracting myself. That's when it hit me... literally. The mustard splattered across my lavender dress, ruining it.

I shook my hands frantically, internally screaming.

"Ohhh myyy goddd!" I screamed, trying to keep it at a whisper. I ran over to the bathroom, took a paper towel and tried my best to remove the mustard from my dress.

"Queenie?" Jae knocked twice while opening the door, poking her head in. "Are you okay?"

"No. My dress is ruined." I told, Jae coming in.

"Holy guacamole!" She said with a supurised tone.

"I know." I watched down, playing with my fingers.

"This liquid soap smells soooooooo good!" She squeeked, constantly pumping the purple soap into her hands."How did they know purple was my favorite color?!"

After she was satisfied with nearly half the bottle empty she turned around and noticed my dress," Oh my goodness. Your dress..... It's ruined!" She pointed like a fat lady that saw a mouse.

"Duh! No fluff, Sherlock." I rolled my eyes.

"Luckily for you," Jae started, looking through a bag she snuck in with her. "I'm have a very high level of fashion sense."

"Here you go." She handed me a pair of purple distressed shorts and a graphic tank top.

"Sorry it's purple. It's kinda like my favorite color, you know." She stated as I nodded and quickly jumped into the shower to change.

"So...." She sat on the toilet, trying to start small talk. "What were you and Kian talking about down there before me and Jc interrupted you?"

"Uh....nothing." I looked from the mirror to her and back, avoiding the subject.

That's when stupid timing bit me in the butt,'Ughhhh!'

Soon, I was blushing like there was no tomorrow. From here, I knew that my sister would see straight through me. My stomach turned and battled, waiting for her reply.

"Aha! You're lying! Something did happen." She covered her mouth, laughing.

My stomach twisted even more as I watched her in the mirror, now waiting for every single juicy detail.

"Well to make a long story short, we talked and he kinda asked me to be his...girlfriend." I sped talked, forcing my dress into the bag.

Her face was priceless when I told her. She was basically speechless because only squeaks and gasps came from her mouth,"OMG! I'm so happy for you!" She squealed, throwing her hands in the air.

"And how about you and Jc?" I asked, putting another scrunchie in my hair. That's when she stopped and her face expression changed.

"Yeah. We've been together since," she thought for a bit before talking again," ....our first date." She shrugged.

"Ooooh. You two are so cute together!" I commented, satisfied with my look.

"Knock! Knock! Are you guys finished in there?" Connor knocked at the door, rushing us out the bathroom. "I need to release the dam!" He yelled.

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