Awkward Situation

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Considering that we lived near the top of the state, everybody was sleeping by the time we hit the highway.

Kian was now sleeping, holding me tight in his arms, Trevor was lying up against me, making me even more uncomfortable as I was squished against the window; Jae and Jc were fast asleep in their corner of the car and so was everyone else except for Ricky, wide awake at the wheel.

I maneuvered and adjusted for a better position in the cramped seat, causing Trevor to stretch out across everyone. His arms and head were now laying on my lap and his legs were on Jae and Jc.

I sure was in a weird situation. I just surrendered in defeat and plopped my head against the window and watched outside.

"You know he really likes you, right?" Ricky looked up at the rearview mirror at me.

"Huh?" I asked, lifting my head off the window.

"Kian. He really likes you. Don't you like him back?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah. Yeah I do." I answered.

"Oh cuz it seemed like you just liked him as a friend."

"How?" I asked, confused at this point.

"Well, back at the restaurant, I noticed you staring at Connor. I also saw Kian looking at you like he wanted to kiss you. You moved away like you we're avoiding it." He confronted me.

"Well- well...." The cat caught my tongue as I searched for the proper explanation. Deep down, I was hiding something.

"Well?" He watched me again then looked back at the road.

"I do like him, believe me, Ricky." I started. "He's awesome, funny, cool, cute, respectful, he has beautiful eyes." I listed.

"That sounds like the perfect guy, doesn't it?" He laughed

"Haha yeah." I smiled at the fact that I was hanging out with Kian and the boys of O2L: my life goal, now complete.

"Then why don't you ask him out?" Ricky looked up at me. This was what I've been avoiding with this conversation. Talking about David just made me gag.

Ricky kept looking back and forth between the mirror and the road, waiting for my reply.

"Well.... I don't know, Ricky. I don't know how to explain all of that. I don't think I wanna talk about it." I kept quiet as I began to cry.

"Hey, girl. It's fine. You can be open with me. Tell me." he was determined to convince me.

"Well there was this guy- my ex, David. " I began, wiping my cheek.

"He was really nice at first. Bought me gifts and what not." I smiled at this memory.

"Then one day he told me about the death in his family, his mom. Ever since then.... he'd hit me treat me like garbage." I stuttered, allowing myself to flow out to a now tearing up Ricky.

"I had a close childhood friend named Nathan. We we're hanging out one day till David saw us. He was jealous when he saw Nathan and beat him up, putting him under ICU for months." tears poured from my eyes as I struggled to continue.

Seeing that I was crying my heart out, Ricky suggested that I should stop. I wiped my eyes one last time before disagreeing with him and starting again,

"David was taken off to jail for life until his girlfriend, my ex-best friend, Chelsea, bailed him out. While I was living with my roommate at the time, he found me and begged for us to be back together. I refused ,but he didn't take no as an answer. He continued to hit me on a daily basis till I ran away from him."

A free feeling ran through my body as I finally spilled my secret out to Ricky.

Now, Ricky's face expression was totally changed.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. You don't deserve at all. You're way to nice for that. We all love you and your sister very much and don't you ever forget that." He pointed to the mirror at me.

"But don't worry. We all have your back and won't let anyone take advantage of you any longer." Ricky reassured me. "And Kian would never do that to you. He's way to nice... probably won't hurt a fly."

A silent giggle seeped from my mouth.

"There we go. There's that beautiful smile." Ricky beamed brightly.

"Haha. Thanks." I replied while taking in the scenery.

"But I don't want to rush things, you know? Maybe he doesn't like me as much as I like him- believe me. I like him alot!" I put emphasis on 'alot'.

Ricky blurted out with laughter.

"What?" I questioned.

"Girl, he does like you. More than you think actually." he confirmed. That statement made my eyes widen.

"Oh really?" I asked, fixing Kian's arm around me and sitting up.

"Yeah ,dude. Ever since he met you that day he just wouldn't stop talking about you. I swore I heard him sing your name in his sleep." I squirmed in Kian's lap, nearly waking him up.

"Queenie this, Queenie that. To be honest, it got quite annoying after a while. The only time he wasn't talking about to was when we met today." He laughed.

"Oh wow! I didn't know it was like that." I blushed and smiled from cheek to cheek.

"Give him a chance. You won't regret it." He shook his finger at in my direction.

Something deep down was telling me that I should listen to Ricky and give Kian a chance, "Okay. Sure." I agreed.

"Yay." Ricky threw his hand in the air in victory before looking back to the road.

"And hey, Ricky?"

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Thanks. So much. You're great." I said.

"Not as great as taco bell.. that's for sure." He laughed.

I laughed at his reply. Sorry ,but he was kinda right with that one.

Kian adjusted himself on the seat, yawning softly and wiping his dribble,"What's up? Are we there yet? You're getting kinda heavy." He poked me in my side.

"No. Not yet, Kian. Go back to sleep." Ricky answered, winking at me.

I smiled back at Ricky before wrapping Kian's arms tighter around me and cuddling into his chest, "Yeah, Kian. Back to sleep mister."

Kian surrendered with a witty grin and layed his head on mine, "Okay then. Back to sleep I guess."

In no time, I was finally asleep with his arms never letting go of me.

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