Looking for Trouble?

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I watched as the frantic line of eager fans grew even longer again.

Izabel came back along with the new rush of people.

Her adorable shortness made her barely noticeable in the never ending seeming line.

I took my eyes off of her for a quick second, keeping my attention on her brother instead.

Ricky got close then looked towards the direction I was focusing on.

"Hey is that-"

I simply answered with a 'mhmm' without sparing a blink.

Ricky placed a hand on my shoulder and the other one at my chin, "Focus on me." He stared into my dark brown eyes with his lighter ones.

"Everything's gonna be fine. Don't make today negative just because of him. Today's supposed to be a happy day! Minus you punching someone and that Sam/Stephani thing."

He was right. Even though it would've been hard not to worry, I should've just tried my best to be worry free. This tour thing wasn't about him. It was about the boys.

"You're right, Ricky. Thanks." He brought me into a reassuring hug.

We were interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder. I shuddered turning and realizing it was him.

"Hey can we talk real quick?"

"Well actually I'm kind of busy right now." I answered, tightening my grip around Ricky's shoulders.

Gladly, Ricky caught on and put his hands around my waist, squeezing me closer to him.

David looked over to Ricky, gave him a head nod and a 'sup' then went back to me.

"Come on. It'll just be a quick second. I promise." He pleaded.

Yeah. One more promise you're bound to break.

Out of nowhere came Jae to my side. "She said she doesn't want to go, David." She spat.

"I don't think it's your choice to make, Jae." He wittily replied.

"I- it's okay, guys. It'll just be a quick second." I stopped the commotion before it could advance.

Both Jae and Ricky gave me a similar, concerned look. I hope I wasn't going to regret doing this. David smiled in satisfaction, leading me to a secluded spot away from the others.

We were now away from the others, but both of them made sure could still see me and him conversing.

"Hey, Queenie." He started, pulling off that perfect white smile, showing his dimples. I didn't let his looks fool me after all that happened.

I tried to force a good mood and mirror a similar fake smile. "Hey, David."

This whole conversation was just going to be small talk - I could tell. "How have you been?" He looked around nervously trying to bring up things to say.

David was never much of a talker. He was the type to just fist it out if that's what it came to.

"Fine." I answered simply, crossing my arms.

-since I've left you it's been freaking perfect!

"That's good." His small talk was starting to annoy me.

There was an uncomfortable silence before I wanted to dismiss myself, but, of course, he just so happened to have something else to say.

"Look, I know we don't have a good past and all. I've seen the bad of my ways. I just wanted to come to you to say-" He took a gulp, pausing while I just stared blankly at him. "s-sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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